The First Dungeon (34)

Chapter 129: The First Dungeon (34)

The Golden Door had been opened after Cerberus' death.

It was difficult to tell what reward was on the other side because the blinding golden light burst open, obscuring anyone who wanted to peek inside. It was also impossible to see through the door's prerequisites.

That said, Jake and others didn't think about them in the heat of the moment.

Since Jake was the closest to The Golden Door, he had a leeway to enter first. He threw himself into the mysterious door's shining embrace.

It took him in.

The high-level assassin from The Ark was in Jake's wake. He shoved the weight of his failure to the depth of his heart and bet everything on entering the secret room.

Alas, the invisible barrier kicked him away.

The golden door also began closing. In a few breaths, it was ajar, leaving only a slice of its golden light. In another few minutes, the door completely shut itself and disappeared.