Turtle Forest (3)

Chapter 150: Turtle Forest (3)

"You must become a beast to become a beast tamer!" Elizabeth said.

Her words and intent helped her gift—the game system—initiate a first quest for Jake.

[You have received a subclass quest—Elizabeth's Beast Tamer Class.]

[Elizabeth's Beast Tamer's First Quest — become a beast to understand them more! Follow Elizabeth's instructions and actions to successfully finish the quest.]

[Reward: Elizabeth's Beast Tamer Class(Epic), Friendship with Elizabeth.]

Elizabeth had never given anyone a quest like that, so she widened her eyes and stared at her gift's screen floating before her eyes. It excited her.

A part of her royal bloodline liked to command others, but Elizabeth genuinely loved beasts and animals. It was the latter that caused her to feel so excited about sharing her passion with others.