Team (6)

Chapter 186: Team (6)

"SWalker? I don't mind him here," Last Coin nodded. He had no close relationship with this man, but their first meeting was favorable, and he could see that SWalker was a talented player.

Shaw nodded as well, "Yeah. I heard he got a new skill, right?"

Jake chuckled, "Yep." A minute later, he told everyone, "He'll be here soon."

It meant that these three had to somehow kill time!

Shaw asked, "Why are you still at the low level, Coin?"

Jake had asked him the same question an hour ago.

Last Coin awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

He said, "I… I kinda fear climbing up the ranks. I have a trauma from the previous game I played."

It was quite an honest confession.

Shaw and Jake looked troubled upon hearing that.

It was so seen on their faces that Last Coin waved his hands to disperse the awkward mood.