The First Esports Tournament — Seventh Division (1)

Chapter 195: The First Esports Tournament — Seventh Division (1)

Though it wasn't confirmed yet whether Jake's team acquired one of the limited spots in the esports tournament, Prince took matters into his own hands. He told everyone to check the auction house and look for equipment sets of their preferred liking.

He also told them to add as many accessories as possible to the cart.

He'd overgear everyone.

It was a term used for players who spent too much money on items and similarly had too much of them on themselves.

"Are you sure about that?" SWalker asked.

Prince waved his hand. "I am."

"Thanks… I'll pay back for it after I take care of my family matters," SWalker said.

He was probably the second richest member of the team, at least that was what he inferred. He hadn't used any money on the game, which would be the easiest way to expose his gaming endeavors.