Before The Internationals (6)

Chapter 237: Before The Internationals (6)

Warsaw Uprising Monument.

"It depicts soldiers emerging from sewers. It was their fight for freedom. We can see the weight of their determination and bravery—it's an impressive monument, so well done," the blonde-haired woman began a loud history talk that would have been like a ramble for most.

With his eyes plastered to the monument, Jake stood still and listened to her. He didn't expect to get such a rich knowledge guide for free.

It was a topic that intrigued him, too.

These two went from monument to monument. Jake's tour guide spoke about the past as though she could read hidden letters etched on monuments.

Sometimes, she opened her bag and whipped out a book to absorb more information. If there was something she couldn't find on paper, she would research it on the phone to confirm her doubts.

She was so much into history that Jake couldn't utter a word.