
Chapter Twenty-Seven – Confidence

Darren was speechless. There was so much wrong.

He could only imagine how scared the princess must be now thinking someone was after her life.

"Why did the guard lie?"

"I don't think he liked the princess." Jessika replied. "They had a fight once, he said."

So because of a petty fight, he had to lie, and now risk his life? "I feel guilty because I directed him to do this but he's also at fault for being reckless."

He held the cook till she rose from the ground. "I'm sorry you're frightened, Jessika. Just do one more thing for me then avoid the princess. Tell her about the plan in detail. That I was the one who poisoned her and why. I don't want her living in fear. Okay?"

Jessika wiped her tears and wore determined expression. "If our plan work and she's taken out of prison, I'd have many avenues to deliver the message. Leave it to me."

Darren nodded… just before his body shook violently.