Game II

Chapter Thirty-Two – Game II

Was Sorren going to show her a side of him that she'd always regret? She always said shit then regretted it later. Why was her life like this?

"My brother's room is locked now. He isn't around." Sorren finally broke the silence. "You'd have to manage."

Was that all? She watched him carefully and the dangerous stare he gave her was gone. So her fears had been unfounded.

She asked. "Where did he go? The least he'd have done was keep the drugs were someone else could see it." He really wanted her to die, didn't he?

"Oh." Sorren glanced at her. "He went on a date with Jade. It'd take few days. They hadn't had one in a while."

No words came from Laurel, making Sorren smile. "Eat first before we move you. You look so pathetic that those maids would think of bullying you if they saw you now."