
Chapter Two Hundred-One – Samantha

Nene stared down at the little form on Asher's bed. How could the King of Lycans bring a random boy to his room?

She really failed as a mentor to Asher if he still pulled dangerous feats like this. Giving his robe to this little boy, was the King interested in males?

These were things she should've asked Slime since he was always frequenting Asher's room.

Nene watched the little boy reduce in size and she stared at him. Had she caught them doing something wrong?

Then she noticed the tear that left his eyes. "Brothers…."

Nene shook her head. "Asher," she walked in, following his scent to his closest room. "What are you doing?"

He was deep inside, crouched down, looking into an old chest. Nene recognized the chest. His mother's.

Asher had inherited all the things his mother owned. Including the attire he wore at his coronation. His crown was remodeled after her own.