Magic Residue

Chapter Two Hundred-Seventy – Magic Residue

Zeldris laid on his back, he moved a bit so he wouldn't affect what she worked on.

"Do you want your knight to get even stronger? Like, you wouldn't mind if I decide to become a witch, would you?"

It wouldn't cost him much to be, as he already had a witch's blood and a resistant to weak magic, he'd be a perfect witch in fact.

He'd take up any measure to ensure he kept on being useful to the Princess and what better way to do it that become a witch that she was worried about.

This will also give him a good edge over those lycans.

Laurel folded the finished mats and stacked them a top each other, her lips curved downwards. "I bet your wolf was so heartbroken to hear that."

In all the books she had read, none had explained what happened to the wolves that got traded for magic. Do they die or turn to the magic?