It's Mercy

Chapter Three Hundred-Sixteen – It's Mercy

Laurel finished writing all her letters and Saki packaged them. The witch had been working as the Princess' delivery girl while using her magic.

She could easily teleport to the door of her room without Nero sensing her. They still didn't had a plan to escape but Saki enjoyed being with someone she didn't fear.

Working with the King had been terrifying, Nero stayed with the King all the time or went to hunt for an innocent werewolf, and Nene only smiled on order.

Everyone was very stiff so it felt like a breath of fresh air when this Princess actually had interesting things to say.

"So this Sorren you wrote to, he'd actually do something about this?" Saki fell on Laurel's bed after returning from the second batch of letter delivery.

Laurel nodded, even if she buried her face in a book, while sitting on the bed. "He avoids trouble but knows when to act, unlike his older brother."