Namikaze clan?

An hour had passed since the bloodline purification was over, Jiraiya had just explained everything they needed to know about the Senpugan. 

"Are you telling me that I will have sensitive eyes for a whole month?" Kushina asked frustrated at having to endure so long with sensitive eyes, while talking to Jiraiya she had removed the bandages on her eyes for a moment which caused her unbearable pain in her eyes and a huge headache 

"Yes grandmother, your eyes will be sensitive until the senpugan develops, which should be between three weeks to a month" Jiraiya explained to his grandmother after that he turned and looked at Minato "Grandfather I would suggest you send shadow clones to do your job as Hokage" Jiraiya said to Minato who frowned a little in disapproval as he took the job as Hokage very seriously, but he remembered how the village treated his son. The same village that he dedicated his life to and even sacrificed for, treated his son as a monster and a weapon. He decided that his priority from now on is his family and everything else came after "Ok, Jiraiya-Kun, I will send clones to the hokage tower plus it will give me time to train my new powers" Said Minato to his Grandson. 

"Speaking of powers" Jiraiya said looking at his grandfather "you told me you felt you had acquired a new elemental affinity, let's test it" as he said that Jiraiya took out two sheets of chakra paper from his bag and handed them to his grandparents "Here, let's do the chakra affinity test. Let's start with you grandma." 

"Ok" Kushina said as she took the sheet between her fingers. When Kushina infused chakra into the blade it burned on one side and burned on the other. "Suiton(Water) and Katon(Fire)" Said Jiraiya to which Kushina was surprised "What, I remember having only water affinity, what happened?" Asked Kushina to her Grandson "I guess water and fire are the characteristic affinities of the Uzumaki Clan, that's why you developed it by purifying the bloodline" Explained Jiraiya to his grandmother who was amazed to have a new affinity. 

"Now your grandfather" Said Jiraiya looking at Minato who nodded and proceeded to focus his chakra on the paper. 

The paper split in half and crumpled at the ends 

"Fuuton(Wind) and Raiton(Lightning). Interesting" Jiraiya said to his grandfather who was puzzled as the feeling he has all over his body is not something that only the affinity with the electric nature can provide "I don't think it's just that Jiraiya-chan, I feel like I have awakened something more than just raiton" Minato said to his grandson.

"huumm, maybe you have awakened some kekkei genkai related to raiton, try to do a raiton jutsu" Jiraiya said to his grandfather who nodded and proceeded to make hand signals. 

Raiton: Jibashi (Electromagnetic Assassination) 

When Minato performed the technique electricity enveloped Minato's hand, but what surprised Jiraiya was "The color of your raiton is yellow" Said an astonished Jiraiya to his Grandfather "What? " asked Minato to his grandson "What do you mean yellow" saying that he proceeded to take off his bandages which caused him a big pain in his head and in his eyes, but that didn't bother him he kept looking at his right hand amazed, he had never heard about the existence of a yellow ray, all the raiton jutsus were blue in color, he had only heard of one person who could make different colored rays the third Raikage with his black ray. "Aghh" Moaned Minato could no longer bear the pain that his eyes were in. 

"I told you grandpa, don't take off the blindfold" as he said this Jiraiya proceeded to put the blindfold back on his eyes "Are you okay now" Asked Jiraiya "Yes, I'm better, I won't take them off anymore" replied Minato 

"Well, back to the topic, that yellow lightning is definitely a Kekkei Genkai. But I have never heard of a clan that used yellow lightning and I have studied a lot about all the Kekkei Genkai of the elemental nations" After saying that he turned to his grandfather and asked "Do you know who your parents were Jichan?" to which Minato replied "No, I don't know anything about my parents or any Namikaze clan the only thing I have from my family is a necklace with a symbol which I wear as a symbol which I have stamped on my clothes." 

"Where is that necklace?" Jiraiya asked his Grandfather "It's in that drawer over there, inside a small wooden chest" Minato said to his grandson. 

Jiraiya opened the drawer and took the necklace, it was a common rope necklace with a small wooden clasp with the Namikaze clan symbol stamped on it. Jiraiya examined it thoroughly, but saw nothing it looked like an ordinary necklace. "Do you know who put this necklace on you?" Asked his grandfather "No, I asked the matron at the orphanage, but she told me that I was left at the orphanage gate with that necklace and a note that had Minato Namikaze written on it" Minato replied to his grandson "That's right" Jiraiya exclaimed loudly, he looked at his grandfather and said "Grandpa, I have a way to know who your parents were and maybe we will find out something about your ancestors!"

"Are you shure?" exclaimed Minato in a cheerful voice "How?" asked Minato at once. Minato asked at once, but before he could answer Jiraiya Kushina who had been quiet all this time spoke up "The same way you did with Naruto" Kushina said excitedly "right, Ji-chan?" Jiraiya smiled at his grandmother, then turned to his grandfather and said "I was able to regain some chakra so I can perform my fate reading technique again, that is if you allow me grandfather". 

Minato thought about it for a second and then nodded, he wouldn't miss the chance to meet his family. 

"Take off your blindfold and look into my eyes" Jiraiya said to Minato who nodded and did as he said. 

When Minato looked into his Grandson's eyes all he saw was a white glow that enveloped him, he was anxious he would finally find out who his family was.


What lies ahead, who were the Namikaze clan. That and much more in the next chapter of Uzumaki legend.

Sorry for taking so long, I was developing a new power for Minato and the Namikaze clan. I promise it will be interesting

if you liked the chapter don't forget to comment and give me your power stones.