
"Now it's time to plan the next steps" Jiraiya said to his grandparents. "First how will you deal with Uchiha Obito, on the day of my father's birth?" When Jiraiya said this Minato's expression became grim, on one hand, Obito was his former student whom he thought had died, he felt guilty for what happened to obito since it was his responsibility to take care of him. On the other hand, Obito would be responsible for his death and the death of his wife 'Should I kill him?' Minato thought. 


"I don't think you should kill him grandfather, Obito and Akatsuki are necessary obstacles to my father's growth, if you kill him now my father will have few enemies to face, which would result in him not being strong enough to face the Otsusuki in the future" Jiraiya said to his grandfather 


"I have an idea" Kushina said "we will prepare two separate places for her to give birth, once we get to the first one Minato-kun will teleport us to the second one" Kushina suggested "Good idea kushina, we can prepare up to three different places as a place for the birth" Minato added. 


"Good idea grandma, also as a last resort if everything goes wrong Kurama is on our side, even if the seal I made weakens a little Kurama won't try to get out" Jiraiya commented. 


"hump" Snorted a certain tsundere fox inside the seal. 


"With that settled let's move on to the next obstacle" Jiraiya said "Shimura Danzo, what will you do with him" Jiraiya asked his grandparents. 


"I'll kill him and rip his guts out and shove them up his ass" Kushina said angrily. "We can't do it Kushina, he has a lot of political support within the village, plus he has the root who are a force to be reckoned with" Said Minato 


"The best way to handle Danzo is to expose his crimes to the light so everyone can know his actions" Jiraiya commented. "But the problem is that Danzo is very good at hiding his actions" Said Minato thoughtfully to which Jiraiya continued "Don't you guys find it strange that most of the real clans disappeared" Said Jiraiya, he stood up and continued "The senju clan is practically extinct only Tsunade senju was left over, The Uzumaki clan which was allied with Konoha received no help when they were destroyed. Also, don't you guys find it strange that three big villages allied to destroy a single clan? In my opinion someone in the shadows incited the other villages to join together to destroy the clan. 

And lastly the Uchiha clan was marginalized and someone spread rumors about them making the villagers despise the Uchiha, that forced them to want to take power by force. 

And lastly Hyuga clan although danzo died before he could do anything against that clan doesn't mean he didn't have plans for them, the Hizashi Hyuga incident was very strange, Konoha turned its back on one of the most important clans in the village and forced them to hand over a member to Kumo. If the Hyuga clan wasn't so divided they would have rebelled and Konoha would have annihilated them like they did the Uchiha, they probably would have left a few members to preserve the byakugan in Konoha. 

Isn't it strange that there is only one member of each clan? Tsunade the last Senju, Kushina the last Uzumaki, Sasuke the last Uchiha (if we don't count Itachi) all loyal to Konoha" Jiraiya said.

Kushina and Minato pondered Jiraiya's words and it all made sense. "And what would Danzo gain by destroying the great clans?" asked Kushina. As Jiraiya was about to answer Minato interrupted him "Power, this is all part of a long term plan, even if the clans are subordinate to the village they still have autonomy over their members and their secrets. By exterminating a clan leaving a single descendant, it removes all power from the clan, but maintains the Kekkei genkai. For example, he oppressed the uchihas to such an extent that they had no choice but to rebel, after that he planned the uchiha massacre leaving only two survivors from the main line, one became an outcast while he had all the villagers and the civil council coddle Sasuke in an attempt to make him loyal to the blade and if he rebelled he believed he was able to restrain him, if everything went as planned when he became hokage he would have all the heirs of the great clans at his disposal without having to worry about the power of the great clans" said Minato. 


"But nothing went as planned, Tsunade was depressed with the death of her family and retired plus she had no descendants, Sasuke defected with Orochimaru and became too powerful for Danzo to deal with and the Hyugas didn't try to rebel so he doesn't have a valid excuse to get rid of them" Jiraiya continued. 


"And what does the Uzumaki clan have to do with all this? Why would Danzo want the destruction of Uzushiokagure?" Kushina asked looking at her husband and grandson "The Uzumaki were too powerful not only because of their mastery of fuinjutsu but also because of their great amount of chakra, because of the sealing chains capable of containing bijus and their great vitality made them very powerful. Although the uzumaki were allies of konoha on paper, they were actually allies of the senju clan more than anything else. They would not stand by and watch the Senju clan disappear. 

So he came up with a plan, he requested Mito uzumaki to request an uzumaki from the main family to be the next Jinchuriki of the nine tails, once the heiress of the Uzumaki clan arrived in konoha, he started to spread rumors about the uzumaki in the other major shinobi villages making them fear the uzumaki and join together to exterminate them.


But it wasn't over to ensure that grandmother was loyal to the village he made a plan" Jiraiya said pausing fearing what she was about to say "Say it already Ji-chan, don't make us wait anymore" Kushina said to her grandson impatiently. 


Jiraiya sighed and continued "Don't you guys find it strange that the Kumo ninjas tried to kidnap grandma. Think with me, even though Kushina-bachan was not yet the Jinchuriki, as the next Jinchuriki of the Kyubi she should have Ambu stationed guarding her around the clock, but some random Shinobi from Kumo managed to kidnap her. The question is, how did Minato-Jichan find out about grandmother's kidnapping so quickly?" Jiraiya asked. Minato and Kushina's expressions were somber seeing where this was all going "I was walking around the village when I hear some villagers say that some shinobi had tied up and kidnapped a red-haired girl, when I approached I asked them in which direction they had taken her" Minato replied in a low voice. 


Seeing the expressions of his grandparents Jiraiya continued "What is the best way to tie someone to the village?" Jiraiya asked his grandparents "For love" Kushina replied quietly with a somber expression "Exactly, if my grandmother married someone from Konoha, her heart would be here and not in uzushio. And why Minato-Jichan was chosen you ask, Minato-chan was the greatest prodigy of the next generation and the best thing is that he was not linked to any clan. Danzo could not risk Kushina-Bachan marrying someone from the big clans, since he could not have her marry a Root member since Mito Uzumaki or Hiruzen Sarutobi would not allow it, the best choice was a talented shinobi who was not linked to any clan" Jiraiya finished.

Kushina who had started to cry said "You're telling me that my relationship with Minato is nothing more than the fruit of that old bastard's manipulation" Kushina shouted to Jiraiya who smiled and said "Yes and no" Kushina looked at him confused she was about to say something when Jiraiya continued 


 "I never told you about my Byakugan, my eyes are the evolution of byakugan the pure eye, because of my father's Asura chakra and my mother's Hamura chakra my byakugan evolved into the pure eye. 


The pure eye is the standard dojutsu of the otsusuki i.e. the byakugan of the hyuga is just a worsened version of the otsusuki byakugan. The byakugan of the otsusuki have unique abilities like the mangekyo sharingan of the uchiha clan. The ability of my eyes is the eye of destiny. The eye of destiny allows me to see the lines of people's destiny and if the person allows me I can see their whole life as if it were film, that's what I used with my father and with you grandfather. What I mean is, I can see people's connections, when I witnessed my grandfather's birth there was a red thread of destiny that represents love connected to a person from his birth, when I analyzed it I realized who he was connected to" said Jiraiya "Who was he connected to? " asked Kushina apprehensive "With you grandmother, since birth you were connected by destiny, with or without Danzo's manipulation you would fall in love with each other it was bound to happen just like my father is connected with my mother since birth" Jiraiya finished with a smile on his face. Kushina and Minato heard it and their hearts warmed up and they hugged each other. 


After a while Jiraiya interrupted them "Back to the topic, we have to devise a plan to deal with Danzo, I know where to find proof of everything I said, but the place is guarded by root shinobi twenty four hours a day. 


Then Jiraiya and Minato began to strategize on how to get the incriminating evidence in order to take Danzo down. 


Once they finished the plans for Danzo they started planning how to deal with the Uchiha and prevent them from rebelling until Kushina interrupted them "I'm going to restore the Uzumaki clan" Kushina said suddenly, Minato and Jiraiya looked at her in surprise "I want Naruto-kun to have a clan to call his own and not be looked down upon for not being descended from any clan, also I will return the Uzumaki clan to the history books since Danzo and Hiruzen were dedicated to erasing us from Konoha's history. I will kill Danzo with my own hands to avenge my family and for trying to manipulate me, I swear it by my name as uzumaki kushina dattebane" Kushina promised with a deadly gleam in her eyes.

Jiraiya seeing this smiled and said "Since you are going to restore the Uzumaki clan you will need more members, and as far as I know the Uzumaki scattered all over the continent" Jiraiya said looking at Kushina who said "It will be hard to find them, but I will, besides from Naruto's memories I already know where three of them are" Kushina said with determination. Minato seeing his wife's determination gave her a proud smile. 


"Since you are so dedicated to do it I have a gift for you" Jiraiya said as he took out a scroll from his bag "This is the search scroll, I created it so I can find my family when we got separated, I can modify it to search for the chakra signature of the Uzumaki lineage" Kushina seeing this invention of her grandson almost shrieked this scroll would make her search much easier "It's perfect Ji-chan with this I will be able to locate many members of our clan" When Kushina was about to take the scroll from Jiraiya's hand he raised his hand "I will give it to you on one condition, 

 You will wait until the Senpugan finishes forming and you will train with it to know how to control its power, also you must cooperate with Kurama to become a perfect jinchuriki, do you promise?" Jiraiya asked Kushina who snorted and said "That's how you talk to your grandmother gaki" Kushina scolded him to which Jiraiya snorted "Hump, you're not my grandmother yet, you're not even a mother yet. Do you promise or not" Asked Jiraiya again to his grandmother "Hai hai, I promise Ji-chan, now give it to me" Promised Kushina "Make sure he keeps his word grandpa, besides you should train too, no matter how powerful senpugan is if you don't know how to use it it becomes useless, you also have to train the 7 lightning bolts" Said Jiraiya to his grandfather "Hai hai, I promise Jiraiya-chan" 


When Jiraiya heard Minato's promise a bad feeling overtook him, a despair overtook him, he knew he was going to die in no time. 


Cold sweat started to fall down his forehead, he was lost in his thoughts when a voice reached his ears.

"Sorry Mortal I have not been able to get you a full day, the guardian of time is much stronger than I anticipated, you have 15 minutes until he senses your presence and comes to exterminate you" Said the god of destiny. 


"I suggest you stay away from your grandparents, the guardian of time will erase everyone he sees that has had contact with you, if he sees you with them he will definitely wipe them out of existence" Continued the god of destiny 


Kushina who sensed Jiraiya's emotions with her mind's eye asked "What's wrong Ji-chan, why are you feeling so scared" asked Kushina worried about her grandson "No, nothing's wrong grandma, it's just that my time here is running out, I only have 5 more minutes" Jiraiya lied. Before Kushina could say anything Jiraiya took out several scrolls from his bag and said "How are you going to restore the uzumaki clan. 

 you need massive income, these are fuinjutsu projects that will be the basis of the uzumaki clan's business in the future" Jiraiya said as he handed the scrolls to Kushina "Like five minutes, why are you feeling so distressed" Kushina asked once again "What's wrong Jiraiya-chan, we can help you, you can count on us" Minato said to his grandson. Jiraiya though touched by the support of his grandparents knew they couldn't help him, not even the god of fate could with the guardian of time there is nothing they can do to stop it 


Jiraiya then spoke "Don't worry grandparents I'm fine, if I don't return to my timeline I will be erased from existence, I have to be back in three minutes" Jiraiya lied again "I hope you master your new abilities and take good care of my father and I when I am born. Don't forget you promised to train me grandpa and I want you to train the future me in fuinjutsu grandma" Jiraiya said to his grandparents to which they replied "We will Jiariya-chan, don't worry, what happened in your timeline won't happen in this one" Said his grandparents 


Jiraiya hesitated for a moment, but said "Can I ask one last thing?" Jiraiya asked his grandparents to which they replied "Sure dear whatever you want" Kushina said with a smile and her grandfather nodded.

"Can you guys give me a hug?" Jiraiya asked in a tearful voice with tears on his face, he's not ready to die no one was, he was afraid, for the first time in his life he felt fear of death he was going to be erased from existence nothingness awaited him 


"Sure Ji-chan come here" Said kushina as she pulled Jiraiya into a warm embrace, Minato who was by her side joined in the familiar embrace. Jiraiya as he felt the love his grandparents felt for him started to cry it had been a long time since he knew what brotherly love was, he reveled in the last hug of his life. 

When they parted he told them "Thank you, I needed it. I hope you live a happy life. FAREWELL" Saying that Jiraiya disappeared from the room leaving his grandparents with tears in their eyes. 


Jiraiya found himself in the outer woods of konoha running with all his might trying to run away from his fate, but how can you run away from the inevitable. How can you run from something you don't know where it's coming from or where it's going. 

Jiraiya was running with all his might until suddenly his body froze, a black shadow appeared walking calmly in his direction, the shadow had a muscular form that denoted absolute power from its head sprouted curved ox horns its eyes shone in a red glow. 

Jiraiya knew, he had no way to escape it, no matter how hard he tried he knew he had no chance, for the first time in life he was powerless against an adversary, adversary? He was not worthy of his name, he was just a prey trapped by his hunter waiting to be shot. Despair grew in his heart with every step the shadow took his body trembled. 



First step, the beast slowly approached him as if it enjoyed watching his desperation. 

Second step, slowly and steadily approaching 

Third step 

Fourth step 

Fifth step 





Tenth step the beast was only a few centimeters away, Jiraiya was kneeling surrendered to the hands of this being completely vulnerable. 

When the beast raised its hand about to hit him Jiraiya closed his eyes and surrendered to his destiny. 


Suddenly a portal opened behind Jiraiya and a hand came out of it, the hand grabbed Jiraiya and pulled him towards the portal. 


The guardian of time Dahaka seeing that his prey escaped attacked quickly but failed to hit him, seeing that he had not been able to finish his prey and could not feel it roared with all his strength out of frustration at losing his prey. 


That day the entire continent of the elemental nations heard a terrifying roar, some speculated that it was a dragon that had awakened from a long sleep and would destroy everything in its path. That day became known as the day of the Scream. 


After his roar Dahaka disappeared without a trace. 


Jiraiya was never seen again in the elemental nations.


This was Jiraiya's last chapter of this book, did you like his character? 

Would you like to know what happened to him... well I won't tell you hahaha

The next arc is the arc of Kushina's search for the lost Uzumakis and the restoration of the Uzumaki clan.

I hope you liked it, if you liked it don't forget to comment and if possible do a review for the story.

If we reach 20 comments and 60 power stones there will be chapter tomorrow.

And this time from different people, not 20 times the same person as 'VictorWalker' did.

Sorry for the long chapter, I wanted to finish Jiraiya's arc at once.