Melodies of overcoming

The sun was shining on the clear sky of Konoha, inside a room entirely pink and full of dolls in what looked like a princess's room, the sun came through the window waking up a little girl who was sleeping soundly.

The little girl opened her eyes and looked out the window and saw what wonderful weather it was, she quickly got up and left her room. When she came out she saw another boy in the hallway and said "Good morning nii-chan" Said the little girl with a smile.

The boy looked at her and tried to smile and said "Good morning Honoka" he said before entering the bathroom and closing the door.

Honoka was disconcerted by her brother's attitude, Naruto had always been a lively and hyperactive boy and today he seemed depressed and still.

Honoka went downstairs and went straight to the kitchen where every day her mother waited for her with breakfast ready.

"Good morning mom" Said the little girl with a big smile as she ran to hug Kushina who was wearing a cooking apron.

Kushina hugged her daughter and said "Good morning princess, how did you sleep?"

"I slept well" Said the little girl

"That's good baby. Now sit on the chair breakfast is almost ready" Kushina said.

Honoka nodded and went to sit on the chair to wait for breakfast.

"Has Naruto woken up yet?" Kushina asked as she continued to cook.

"Yes, he went to the bathroom" Honoka said, the girl looked at her mother and asked "Mama, do you know what happened to Naruto? He seemed a little sad today" Honoka asked worried about her brother.

Kushina sighed, she didn't know what to tell the little girl. "Eeto, let's say your brother did something he thinks is bad and he feels bad about it. Don't worry he will recover soon" Kushina explained.

Honoka nodded at her mother's words, but she was still worried about her brother

Kushina finished preparing breakfast and set the table. As the two ate Naruto walked down the stairs and went straight to the courtyard without saying anything.

"Naruto, where are you going?" Kushina asked.

Naruto stopped and said "Good morning mom, I'm just going for a walk around the complex."

Kushina sighed and said "Ok, but eat something before you leave."

Naruto walked to the table and grabbed a small sweet bread and left the house.

Kushina watched him leave worried, but knew she had to give him time and space to take in everything that had happened.

Once the two finished breakfast Kushina took her to the bathroom to help her clean herself and comb her hair as she was still a normal four year old, different from Naruto who was already much more independent despite being younger.

As Kushina was combing her hair the girl said "Mom, can I go play with Karin and Tayuya nee-san?" the girl asked.

Kushina got to thinking and said "Ok, wait until Hinata arrives and you can go with her" Kushina said.

Honoka perked up when she heard that Hinata was coming to play with them "Hinata is coming?" said the girl perked up by the coming of her best friend

"Yes, Hiashi and Hana are coming for a meeting and they will bring Hinata to play with you and Naruto" Kushina said. 'They will also bring her to get her out of that depressing place that is the Hyuga clan' Kushina thought.

Once Kushina finished grooming her Honoka went to the living room to play with her dolls while waiting for Hinata's arrival.

An hour later the door knocked, Kushina went to open it and there were Hiashi, Hana and Hinata accompanied by Fugaku and Mikoto.

"Oh, I see you guys arrived together" Kushina said as she opened the door.

"Yes, we met on the way" Mikoto said.

"Come in, Minato will be here in a few moments" Kushina said, then looked at Hinata and said "Hello Hinata-chan, why don't you go with Honoka to play with Karin-chan?" Kushina said with a friendly smile

Hinata looked at her and said "It's okay Kushina-obasan" Hinata said respectfully.

"What have I told you about using those formalities with me Hinata-chan? You can call me nee-san or if you want you can call me mother-in-law" Kushina said slightly annoying Hana who was listening to her. Hana wasn't against her daughter marrying Naruto, but she believed that it was too early for that and Kushina was already saying that since before Hinata was born

"Hai, Kushina-neesan" Hinata said with a kind smile. Hinata wasn't used to the warmth of the Uzumaki clan, the Hyuga clan is always strict and cold and the only people she can be comfortable with in the clan are her parents and Hiashi's family. So she is always happy when she comes to visit the Uzumaki clan, here she can see her friends and Naruto.

The adults entered the secret room inside the house while the girls stayed in the living room.

"Hi Hinata" Honoka said with a smile. The two were very good friends, Hinata, Honoka and Karin were best friends and always wanted to play together.

"Hi Honoka, how are you?" Hinata said with a sweet smile, something that only the people closest to her could see since she was too shy when talking to strangers or people not very close to her. She used to be like that with everyone as well, but with the help of the girls and Naruto she managed to open up more with the people closest to her

"I'm fine, come on let's go get Karin and then go to the park" Honoka said as she took Hinata's hand and left the house.

The Uzumaki compound, previously the Senju compound, was huge, it had dozens of houses and was clearly designed to shelter hundreds of people. It had a large training ground and a large lake with a small dock. In the middle of the compound was a playground for the clan's children to play with each other.

Hinata who was being dragged by Honoka said "My mom told me that there is a new garden in the Uzumaki compound, can we go there later?" the girl asked.

Honoka looked at her and smiled "Sure we can, we will go there after we look for Karin, that garden was built by my dad after he accidentally destroyed the old one. Mama forced him to make a much bigger and more beautiful one than the old one."

Hinata was surprised to hear that Minato had built it himself, her mom had always told her that Minato was a very important person and that she should be respectful with him, even though she didn't know exactly what, Minato did, hearing that he built such a big garden with his own hands surprised her. That also only increased her admiration for Kushina who made him do it.

The two arrived at a large house that was next to the main house where Honoka lived. Before they could knock on the door they heard a voice.

"Karin, go open the door, your friends arrived."

"Haiiiiiii" A childish voice shouted.

The door opened revealing a little girl with red hair and glasses covering her reddish brown eyes.

"Hi Honoka, Hi Hinata" Said the little girl with a smile.

Honoka and Hinata were surprised to find that they discovered that they knew they had arrived before they knocked on the door.

Kasumi appeared behind Karin with a smile and greeted the girls "Hello girls how are you?" she asked.

"How did you know we had arrived before we knocked on the door" Honoka asked.

Kasumi smiled and said "That's because of an ability of our clan Honoka-chan, the ability is called mind's eye and it allows me to sense people at long distances. I was looking for Karin's presence when I felt you guys" Kasumi said.

Honoka and Hinata were surprised by Kasumi's ability.

Kasumi said goodbye and went back inside her house. Karin, Honoka and Hinata went to Kushina's garden built by Minato.

The garden that Minato had built was a work of art, it was a large space full of flowers and beautiful trees, in the middle was a shed where the Uzumaki rested and appreciated the view. In addition, to keep the plants always in their best condition Minato had created a space where the weather did not change. Minato also created a large invisible barrier to prevent the destruction of the garden again. He also changed the location and placed it a few meters farther away from the training field. From the garden one could see the training field and the small lake which was also beautiful and full of life.

When Hinata arrived at the garden she marveled, there were many flowers blooming at different times of the year all together and unbudded. There were roses of all colors, jasmine, sunflowers, tulips and a huge variety of flowers of all colors and sizes, but what most caught Hinata's attention were the violets which were her favorite flowers. To get to the shed there was a path made of stone that led to the shed where Kushina used it to have meetings with her friends, on the sides of the path there were many sakura trees all full of flowers mixed with other colorful trees.

The girls' eyes sparkled at how beautiful the garden was.

"How is it possible that all those flowers are blooming at this time of year" Hinata asked, she knew that violets bloomed in autumn and winter and now they were at the beginning of summer.

Karin and Honoka didn't know since they hadn't been taught fuinjutsu yet so they didn't know what to answer her.

"That happens because of uncle Minato's fuinjutsu arrays" Said a voice.

The girls turned to see who had spoken and saw Tayuya who had her old flute in her hands. Tayuya had grown up, she was now a seven year old girl.

"Hello Tayuya-nee" greeted Honoka with a smile.

"Hi brats how are you" said Tayuya also with a smile.

"Hey don't call us brats, you're only a few years older than us" Karin said

"Hump, I'm four years older than you so you're a little brat" Tayuya said teasing Karin.

Karin got angry and was about to say something to her when Hinata stopped her "Come on girls don't fight now, not here in this beautiful garden" Hinata said.

Karin snorted and turned her back to Tayuya who just laughed a little.

Tayuya loved to tease Karin, it was her way of showing affection. Tayuya was an energetic girl and extremely sincere with her words, she was also a straightforward person who didn't half words to express what she wanted to say

"What did you come to do in the garden, Tayuya-nee?" Honoka asked.

"I came to play my flute while appreciating the view of the garden" Tayuya replied.

"Oh, can you play for us, Tayuya-nee?" asked Hinata

Tayuya looked at her nodded and said "Ok" Tayuya put the flute next to her mouth and began to play a beautiful melody that harmonized with the inhabitant.

The wind blew and rustled the leaves of the trees, Tayuya's soothing melody sounded and created a harmonious and ethereal atmosphere that touched the heart of anyone who heard it.

Tayuya was playing much better than before, his music was an absolute masterpiece and that was because he had not yet started mixing it with chakra.

The girls were enjoying the music and the garden when Hinata looked over at the clan lake that was visible from the garden. In the lake was a small wooden dock, on the dock Hinata could notice a figure sitting on the end of the dock and he looked sad. She knew who it was, his crimson red hair made him unmistakable, Naruto was sitting at the end of the dock looking at the horizon lost in thought.

Hinata looked at the other girls and asked "What's wrong with Naruto? He looks sad."

The girls opened their eyes and asked "Naruto, where is he?"

Hinata said nothing and just pointed towards the dock where Naruto was. The girls looked where Hinata was pointing and saw a sad looking Naruto as he looked at the horizon.

Tayuya stopped playing when she saw Naruto's mood "Do any of you know what happened to him?" asked Tayuya.

"I don't know, my mom just said that he has done something that he thinks is bad and he is blaming himself for it" explained Honoka

The girls became thoughtful about what Honoka had said, they were worried about their friend.

"Do you want to go talk to him? Maybe we can help him get better" Karin said to which the girls nodded.

"But how will we help him?" Honoka asked.

"I don't know, maybe just being there with him would help him" Tayuya said.


Naruto was sitting on the dock of the lake, he was lost in his thoughts, he still hadn't come to terms with having ended a life. He kept thinking about Kai's face as he died, that vision haunted him all night long and he could hardly sleep.

Naruto sighed as he lay down to bask in the sun and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the warmth.

Suddenly a beautiful melody began to play, Naruto knew who it was, but decided not to open his eyes to enjoy the melody of Tayuya's flute. As the melody played Naruto's mind cleared of bad thoughts momentarily.

A few minutes later Tayuya finally stopped playing, Naruto opened his eyes looked around for Tayuya. He found the four girls looking at him with friendly smiles.

"Oh, hi girls" Naruto said.

"What's wrong Naruto, why are you here alone?" Karin asked

"I don't know" Said Naruto

"If you feel lonely you can be with us nii-chan" Said Honoka worriedly.

Naruto smiled when he heard the girls words and was touched by their words

"Are you going to tell us already what happened to you or I'm going to have to force it out of you" Tayuya said

Naruto was already used to Tayuya's way of being so he didn't take her words too seriously. He didn't know whether to tell them what had happened or not, he was afraid that they wouldn't want to be friends with him anymore if he told them that he had killed someone

"Don't be afraid to tell us trust us" Hinata said seeing that Naruto hesitated.

Naruto sighed and proceeded to tell them what had happened the day before "Yesterday Sasuke and I snuck out to watch the trial, we climbed a tree to get a better look and there we met a boy named Kai who seemed to be a nice person, but when there was an explosion and Sasuke and I got separated, that boy kidnapped him outside the village. Ji-chan and I chased them and we came to a cave where Sasuke, Kai and a strange man were. The third Hokage went to confront the man while we were taking care of Sasuke, then while we were taking care of Sasuke, Kai said something that made me angry. After that I don't really remember everything that happened, the only thing I remember is seeing one of my attacks go through his chest and his body falling lifeless on the ground" Naruto explained.

The girls were surprised by everything that had happened even though they didn't fully understand it since they were only three and four years old. The only one who could understand it more was Tayuya who was already seven years old.

The younger girls didn't know what to say to her, they could only show their affection.

"So what?" said Tayuya

Naruto looked at her and said "What?"

"I said so what, what does it matter that you killed him, he's a person who hurt one of your friends so what does it matter if he died? In my opinion he brought this on himself" Tayuya said.

Naruto listened to her and thought about her words and they made sense, but there was something he had to ask "You're right in saying he wasn't a good person, but what if in the future he changed and became a good person? What about his family they lost a loved one?" Naruto asked

Tayuya snorted and said "So what, you're going to leave a bad person in the world in hopes that he will possibly become a good person? What if he decides to take revenge on you and kills someone in your family? How many people will he hurt until he becomes that good person you're talking about? What you did is not wrong, that Kai did something to your best friend and you took revenge. You are not the bad person in the situation don't impose that on yourself. My mom always tells me that the world is cruel and violent, and if you want to survive and take care of your own you have to adapt to it or be strong enough for the world to adapt to you. If you're going to be depressed just because of that forget about being our boyfriend, I won't love a boyfriend who regrets protecting a loved one" Tayuya said.

Tayuya's words echoed in Naruto's mind, what he had said made sense. Everything he had done was to protect his friend, even if he had killed someone he had only done it to protect someone important to him. ' Why was I blaming myself so much for killing that boy? It's his fault for kidnapping and hurting Sasuke. As he told me himself the world is not fair, I will never let anyone do anything to my loved ones and if they do let them prepare to suffer' Naruto thought as his eyes regained their sparkle.


Naruto was not a cruel person, but if anyone touched a loved one of his he would transform into a demon.


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