Departure Day

Fort International Airport.

Bella feels sad about leaving the country but knows it's time to go. 

Her priority is to distance herself from Tristan and his family. Besides, she wants to ensure a peaceful and secure delivery of her baby and regain her strength before returning to this country.

However, the time to return here was still uncertain; she didn't know when that would happen.

Walking along the gate, she feels even sadder, but later, her mind is distracted when she hears Noora asking her.

"We're finally leaving…" Noora, walking beside Bella, glanced at her. "Young Miss, are you sure you don't want to call your grandpa?"

Bella didn't rush to reply to Noora. She settled herself first in the waiting area near their gate.

She did want to call her grandpa but was worried that if she informed him about her divorce from Tristan, he might be angry, and his heart disease could worsen.