Faster Her Plan

Bella stood from her seat and accepted Leo's call in the corner. 

"Did something unpleasant happen there?" She asked in her tense voice.

"Yes!" Leo didn't rush to continue. He sighed deeply to make himself feel better after the hectic morning.

"What is it? Come on, say it! Don't make me curious like a cat." Bella is starting to feel impatient, waiting for Leo to finish his words. 

Leo chuckled before saying, "That bitch came into the office and made a scene," he fell silent again to take another deep breath, enough to make Bella lose her patience.

"Okay. And?.... Damn it, Leo! I'll hang up if you don't finish your words in one sentence. Why are you trying to waste my time now?" 

Bella couldn't hold back her anger any longer. When she wanted to hear the news, this man was trying to waste her time.

"Boss, that bitch wants to meet you."