Why Do You Act Like You Want to Die Tomorrow?

"Father, you overthink," William said after his laughter subsided. "I gave my grandson that card as a welcome gift to express my gratitude because he was born healthy and became my grandson. The amount of money in that card and the shareholding is my gift for him..."

Lewis was speechless.

Dax could only blink, looking at the card and then up at his Grandpa, confused.

"Don't worry, Father. I don't have a plan for what you're worrying about." William Sinclair's words paused; he almost said, "I don't have much time to do that. Death is approaching; I will cherish my time with my grandson and my son..." He swallowed silently, trying to smile at his father, worried his father could read his thoughts.

William's priority in his last days was to right the wrongs he had done in the past; he no longer cared about money and power because none of that would follow him to his grave.