The Youth with the Extinguishing Veins

Uncle Hai, in his early thirties, was the cousin of the second young master and possessed extensive knowledge about the family affairs.

Particularly, he was well-informed about the condition known as Three Yin Extinguishing Veins that afflicted the second young master.

After researching numerous historical records, he came to the same conclusion as others: No one afflicted with this condition had ever survived beyond the age of thirteen.

Thus the Lu familu had resolutely sent him to the Medicine Valley at the tender age of three.

A ten-year agreement was made with the Medicine Valley, during which they would do their utmost to treat him.

At the end of the ten years, whether alive or dead, someone would be sent to retrieve him from the Medicine Valley.

Dead or alive, they would bring him back!

The Medicine Valley was located deep within the dense forest of a desolate mountain range, northwest of the ancient road.

Its exact location remained unknown to this day.

Folklore suggests that the Medicine Valley was not only renowned for its exceptional medical skills but also for its extraordinary martial arts.

The hidden Scripture Pavilion within was said to house a vast collection of ancient medicinal formulas and countless top-tier martial arts classics.

Many have attempted to find the Medicine Valley, but none have returned, leaving no trace behind.

Even the formidable Situ Fan, who once dominated sixteen cities in the Western County with his mighty blade, led his trusted followers inside, never to be seen again.

Many years have passed, and hardly anyone dared to set foot in that vast forested mountain range.

Those who sought medicine or treatment from the Medicine Valley must adhere to their rules, leaving a mark in Pingling Town and accepting further instructions before receiving any assistance.

The Medicine Valley was not a charity place, and its aid was granted only under specific conditions, deterring most people from approaching.

The Lu Family, fortunate to have received a great favor from their ancestors, had once, by chance, incurred a significant debt of gratitude from the people of the Medicine Valley.

As a result, they were fortunate enough to possess a token from the Medicine Valley.

With this token, they could receive the Valley’s assistance unconditionally at any time.

Thus, they owed nothing to each other.

The token had been passed down for several generations and was highly cherished by the entire family.

The head of the Lu Family could not bear to witness the premature death of his own flesh and blood without taking any action by nature.

Despite opposition from the family, he resolutely used the token.

Even if there was only a slight hope, he had to make every effort to try, so as not to leave behind a lifetime of regret and guilt, regardless of the outcome.

Ten years ago, following the Medicine Valley’s instructions, Uncle Hai went through numerous hardships to deliver the three-year-old second young master into the hands of the people from the Medicine Valley.

The young master’s frailty at that time, with a pitiful appearance that evoked sympathy, was deeply engraved in Uncle Hai’s memory.

Whenever the night was quiet, Uncle Hai would embrace the trembling little body with his broad chest, providing him with warmth.

Those with the Three Yin Extinguishing Veins would experience a chilling aura invading their bodies, affecting their meridians and causing their blood and qi to turn cold.

Their faces would turn purple, their lips blue, and their lives would hang by a thread.

Witnessing the second young master trembling in a huddled state was heart-wrenching, painful, and heart-breaking…

Ten years later, Uncle Hai once again retrieved the second young master from the Valley, but he never expected…

“Second Young Master! Second…”

Uncle Hai’s hoarse voice seemed to lack strength as he stumbled and rushed towards the carriage.

The few meters in front of him seemed incredibly distant and endless in his eyes…

The carriage was within reach, but his feet felt as heavy as lead, causing his body to sway violently…

Amidst the sorrowful cries, the curtain of the carriage was gently lifted, and a young man slowly stepped out.

He wore a flowing green robe and his long hair casually tied back.

His figure appeared slightly thin, and his eyes were clear and tranquil. Every movement of him was graceful yet composed, exuding an elegant charm.

Uncle Hai’s scattered gaze suddenly brightened.

He opened his mouth, suspecting it to be an illusion. But then he saw the young man flick his finger, and something flew from his hand. It swiftly entered Uncle Hai’s slightly agape mouth and dissolved instantly.

A fragrant aroma filled Uncle Hai’s mouth, and a warm current instantly spread throughout his body, as if countless tiny streams permeated his meridians, invigorating his qi and gradually surging…

“Settle your mind and gather your qi at the dantian.”

A clear voice sounded in his ears.

Uncle Hai’s mind trembled slightly. He managed to sit up and then slowly closed his eyes. Abandoning all distracting thoughts, Uncle Hai entered a state of clarity.

The four surviving guards struggled to carry their two fallen comrades, making their way laboriously towards the carriage.

Suddenly, they saw the second young master standing unharmed on the carriage shaft.

Their eyes widened, unable to close their mouths.

Although they were engaged in a life-and-death battle at the time, they caught a glimpse of the black-clothed person piercing through the carriage curtain with an incredibly fierce sword strike.

Even if it were them, not the the frail second young master himself, it would have been difficult to escape the fatal blow.

The young man seemed oblivious to the expressions of the guards.

He gestured for them to place their fallen guards on the carriage shaft, then bent down to check their pulses and feel their breath.

Furrowing his brows slightly, he gently closed their eyes.

The guards standing nearby understood what had happened without needing to ask.

The young man stood up, his gaze sweeping over the group.

With a flick of his hand, four dark-colored pills appeared in his palm.

“These are healing pills to stop bleeding,” he said.

The guards had heard of such pills but had never seen them before.

Such precious items were beyond their reach.

With trembling hands, they received the pills with their eyes filled with gratitude.

As the twilight faded, a cold crescent moon hung slanting in the sky, accompanied by a few shimmering cold stars.

The clear and chilly radiance lightly spread over the desolate ridge.

The cold wind intermittently howled, carrying the chill of the night in the wilderness. The temperature continuously dropped in the surroundings, and faint and unknown beast howls occasionally echoed in the distance.

By the ancient path, two piles of fresh soil appeared.

The young man dropped the iron shovel in his hand and stood silently in front of the two new graves.

He murmured, “Farewell, my two brothers! I will find who’s behind this and make them accompany you to burial.”

The young man, named Lu Suifeng, was the second young master of the Lu Family, the masters of Hongye City.

He was only thirteen years old.

Due to a congenital condition called the Three Yin Extinguishing Veins, he could never cultivate martial arts.

In this world where strength reigned supreme, it was undoubtedly the most unfortunate circumstance.

Those who experienced such a fate often lived in endless shame and contempt, treated as inferior beings, seemingly devoid of the right to exist.

Ten years ago, he was sent to the Medicine Valley for treatment, and to this day, no one knew if his incurable disease had been cured, not even the people of the Medicine Valley could accurately determine it.

“Second Young Master!”

Uncle Hai, who seemed to have fully recovered with his complexion brimming with vitality, appeared silently by his side.

“As long as you’re fine!”

Lu Suifeng said calmly, his tone filled with concern.

Uncle Hai nodded, pointing at the two piles of fresh soil.

“What happened to them?”

“One’s chest was pierced through, and the other's throat was severed. We still have a long way to go, so I buried them here for now,” Lu Suifeng said calmly and without any ripples.

Uncle Hai silently paid his respects to the new graves, then turned his face to gaze quietly at the second young master.

His heart was filled with too many doubts that needed answers.

“What happened in the carriage?”

“If I tell you, will you believe me?”

Lu Suifeng smiled bitterly.

“I will! Whether it’s true or false, it doesn’t matter. You will naturally say what needs to be said!”

Uncle Hai, having experienced the vicissitudes of life, understood the boundaries.

“Uncle Hai, you understand me well! Just consider it as the people from the Medicine Valley escorting and secretly assisting us, driving away the formidable enemies!”

Lu Suifeng said lightly.

Uncle Hai hesitated for a moment upon hearing this, then burst into laughter.

“I know how to respond now.”

Having heard a little, he could almost conclude that this second young master was not as simple as he appeared.

“May I know what was it that you gave me?”

Uncle Hai asked solemnly.

“It had a fragrant taste, and within moments, not only did it heal my injuries, but I also advanced two levels, stepping into the realm of the Heavenly Realm.”

“Is the Heavenly Realm very high?”

Lu Suifeng asked innocently, seemingly answering with a different question.

Uncle Hai recalled that the second young master had been neglectful of martial arts since childhood and knew nothing about it, which was normal.

He patiently explained, “In martial arts, there are two major levels: the lower level consists of five realms—Profound Qi Realm, Transmutation Realm, Profound Spirit Realm, Earth Rank Realm, and Heavenly Realm. Each realm contains nine small stages. The higher level also has five major realms: Profound King Realm, Profound Emperor Realm, Profound Sovereign Realm, Profound Saint Realm, and Profound Venerable Realm.”

“Is that all? Are there higher existences beyond the Profound Venerable Realm?”

Lu Suifeng asked thoughtfully.

“Yes,” Uncle Hai’s eyes flashed with astonishment.

The words of the second young master were something he had never dared to consider.

“But that is beyond the knowledge of ordinary people.”

“Is that so? The spiritual energy in this world is so abundant. It shouldn’t be like this!”

Lu Suifeng muttered to himself.

“What are you saying, Second Young Master?”

Uncle Hai asked, looking confused.

“Oh! The pill you just took was a third-grade Heaven-Shattering Pill. Its effect should be quite good!”

Lu Suifeng smiled faintly.


Uncle Hai exclaimed in astonishment. His eyes were wide open, and his face was twitching out of shock.

He had actually swallowed a third-grade pill!

If he had remembered it right, he had never even seen a first-grade pill in his entire life, and suddenly…

“Uncle Hai, stay calm! It’s just a third-grade pill. In the Medicine Valley, it’s considered a common item. With a little ability, you can easily obtain hundreds of them of them,” Lu Suifeng said indifferently.

“But you…”

Uncle Hai hesitated, afraid of saying something that would hurt the second young master.

Lu Suifeng straightened his disheveled hair and picked up the iron shovel from the ground.

He said softly, “The world only knows that I went to the Medicine Valley to treat my incurable disease, but they don’t know that in these ten years, I have almost read through the entire collection of scriptures in the Scripture Pavilion.”

“Is that even possible?”

Uncle Hai asked in disbelief.

“The Scripture Pavilion is considered a strictly forbidden place in all sects and factions. How could an outsider freely enter and exit?”

“What you said is true, but the Medicine Valley is an exception. The Scripture Pavilion has nine floors, housing countless scriptures. Each floor is sealed with restrictions. As long as someone within the valley possesses the corresponding cultivation level to break the restrictions, they can access each floor. It is said that in a thousand years, only a handful of people have reached the fifth floor of the Scripture Pavilion.”

Lu Suifeng casually said, lightly tapping the fresh soil in front of him with the iron shovel in his hand.