Hongye City

Hongye City was located on the northwest border of the Tianxiang Kingdom, within the jurisdiction of the West County Province.

Though small in size, with a population of only around three hundred thousand, it held great renown.

Surrounded by mountains, during the deep autumn season, the hills were ablaze with maple leaves, as if the entire city was bathed in the same hue.

It was from this spectacle that Hongye City derived its name.

Moreover, its strategic location made it the closest town to the treacherous Black Abyss Beast Mountains, just a hundred miles away. Any martial artists, mercenaries, or adventurers heading to the Black Abyss Beast Mountains would invariably stop in Hongye City to procure sufficient supplies and make final preparations before venturing into the mountains.

Likewise, those returning from the mountains also took respite here for a few days, rejuvenating and recovering their strength.

With the constant flow of people and the gathering of merchants, Hongye City had gradually become prosperous.

Taverns, inns, and shops lined the streets and alleys, thriving to the utmost.

Two mansions governed the core of the entire city.

The first was the City Lord’s Mansion, situated in the center of the city.

It served as the permanent residence of the appointed official from the West County Province.

The position of City Lord had been passed down through generations, a testament to years of diligent management that no one could undermine.

The other mansion, Lu Mansion, was located in the eastern part of the city, nestled against the mountains and surrounded by water.

With over ten thousand disciples, its strength rivals that of the City Lord’s Mansion.

Fortunately, these two mansions shared a deep connection, spanning several generations.

They supported and assisted each other, establishing their dominant positions in Hongye City, causing various factions within the city to bow in submission.

As dusk approached, a dusty carriage slowly made its way towards the entrance of Lu Mansion.

It proceeded directly through the wide-open gates as if no one were there to stop it.

The guards stationed on either side were about to speak up, but as their eyes met, they immediately retracted their steps, standing tall and straight, allowing the carriage to pass through.

As the sun set and smoke gently wafted through the air, the vast Lu Mansion appeared tranquil.

The carriage traveled along the path paved with green rocks for half an hour, turning left and right, encountering only a few clan members hurrying along the way.

Uncle Hai instructed four guards to return ahead and inform the family of their safe arrival.

The carriage came to a stop in front of an imposing mansion.

Suddenly, a figure in red appeared at the entrance.

It was a petite girl dressed entirely in red, who stood on tiptoes and looked around inside the carriage.

Her eyes darted around in confusion.

“Uncle Hai! Where is my second brother?”

The girl’s face flushed, and she anxiously asked.

Uncle Hai jumped down from the carriage shaft, dusted off his clothes, and winked at the girl.

“Second Young Master, we have arrived home.”

The curtain of the carriage was gently lifted, and a young man in green attire leisurely stepped out, surveying his surroundings.

The girl swiftly bypassed Uncle Hai and bounced towards the young man, grabbing his hands excitedly.

“Are you my second brother?”

Second brother? Lu Suifeng was momentarily stunned.

When did he gain another younger sister?

She was quite adorable and well-behaved, and a warm feeling of long-lost familial affection arose within him.

“You are my third sister?”

Lu Suifeng gently strokes the girl’s head, filled with deep affection.

“My second brother has returned!”

The girl jumped and shouted with excitement, running towards the mansion.

Watching the girl’s joyful figure recede into the distance, a contented smile appeared on Lu Suifeng’s face.

Uncle Hai also smiled knowingly, recognizing the immense power of familial bonds.

Without ever meeting, without needing many words, their hearts were already close.

“My second brother has returned…”

The girl’s tender voice echoed through the mansion.

The once-silent mansion suddenly became lively as countless faces emerged from various corners.

Men, women, young, and old, their expressions and reactions varied—curiosity, astonishment, doubt, disdain…

“This waste kid is still alive?”

“Why has he come back? Such an embarrassment!”

“Just endure it! At most, he’ll only live for another year.”

“I heard this incurable disease won’t let you live past thirteen.”

“Brother Suifeng will definitely die!”

“What do you know? Don’t speak nonsense!”

“Alas! This child is truly unfortunate!”


In the Lu Mansion, the second young master was regarded as a peculiar legendary figure, as well as a disgrace to the entire family.

He became the subject of mockery and ridicule during casual conversations among the clan.


Inside the inner hall, the family head, Lu Wanxiong, tightly embraced Lu Suifeng.

He appeared slightly frail, but his spirit was clear and refreshing, not as sickly as imagined.

With so many relatives around him now, Lu Suifeng found it difficult to adapt, looking around at the people with a bewildered expression, smiling foolishly.

“You should greet to father!”

A young man beside Lu Wanxiong urged in a deep voice.

He bore a resemblance to Lu Suifeng, albeit with slightly thinner lips, giving him a somewhat arrogant and restless demeanor.

“Oh! Do you remember him? This is your elder brother Liu Changfeng”

Lu Wanxiong wiped away the tears welling up in his eyes and pulled closer his eldest son, Lu Changfeng, smiling contentedly.

“When you left, you were only three years old, so it’s normal if you don’t have much impression of him. From now on, you two should get closer as brothers!”

Looking at his eldest brother’s composed face, Lu Suifeng managed to force a smile, considering it their first meeting.

“After the long journey, second brother should freshen up and rest...” Reminded Lu Changfeng.

“Indeed! I completely forgot about that in my excitement.”

Lu Wanxiong touched his forehead and then instructed, “Take your second brother to clean up first. Lu Hai, later you will lead the Second Young Master to the secluded courtyard in the back mountains. It’s a serene environment, perfect for calming the mind and recuperating.”

The two brothers exited the inner hall and walked along the corridor.

Lu Changfeng saw that there was no one around and leaned closer to Lu Suifeng, speaking coldly, “You shouldn’t have come back!”

Hearing this, Lu Suifeng stopped in his tracks, looking at his newly recognized eldest brother with a puzzled expression.

Although they weren’t given birth by the same mothers, they shared the same lineage of their father.

How could he speak so coldly and indifferently?

“Don’t look at me with those innocent eyes! Not only are you a natural waste, bringing shame to the family, but you are also a complete jinx. You not only caused the death of your own mother but also led to the demise of two elite guards of the family as soon as you returned.”

Lu Changfeng sneered, his tone filled with disdain.

“I asked Uncle Hai and learned about what happened on the journey. Uncle Hai almost lost his life, too. I wonder what other disasters you will bring in the future.”

From confusion to perplexity, and then to a cold and desolate feeling, Lu Suifeng gained a deeper understanding of this world.

Even biological siblings could be so indifferent and heartless.

The outside world must be even more ruthless and unforgiving.

“Eldest brother...”

Although Lu Suifeng felt a chill in his heart towards his eldest brother, he didn’t want to ruin their relationship at their first meeting.

“No! I am not your so-called eldest brother. I am the designated young clan leader of the family. There is a clear hierarchy, so don’t try to get close to me. Otherwise, don’t blame me for not recognizing any familial ties!”

Lu Changfeng said fiercely, reaching out to pat Lu Suifeng’s shoulder with great force.


Lu Suifeng let out a pained cry.

“What’s wrong?”

Lu Wanxiong inside the inner hall heard the sound and asked.

“It’s nothing, he just stumbled accidentally!”

Lu Changfeng let go of his hand and replied.

Then he leaned in again, almost touching Lu Suifeng’s face, “Remember! The back mountains are your territory. Don’t wander around unnecessarily. If I catch you, you won’t be so lucky next time.”

Since swallowing the second young master’s pill, Uncle Hai seemed to have undergone a complete transformation.

His whole body exuded vigorous energy, never feeling tired despite the long journey.

He was now leisurely sitting on the carriage shaft outside the mansion, lost in thought and waiting for the second young master.

“What happened to the second young master during the ten years in the Medicine Valley? He can casually produce a priceless third-grade pill, while in the entire Hongye City, one might not even find a second-grade pill. And...”

He thought of the terrifying figure in black, recalling the life-threatening sword strike, causing a shiver to run down his spine.

The talk of secret escorts from the Medicine Valley was just a cover-up.

It could be concluded that only the second young master was in the carriage at that time.

How did he manage to make the black-clothed person’s sword break and escape in a single breath?

Uncle Hai couldn’t even withstand a single move from that person and was seriously injured.

The disparity was like night and day.

However, no matter how he looked at it, the second young master was just a thirteen-year-old boy.

How could his delicate body be connected to a hidden master?

He had to find an opportunity to test it...

“Uncle Hai!”

Lu Suifeng walked out of the mansion’s main gate.

“Hehe! Second Young Master, get on the carriage! I’ll take you to the secluded courtyard in the back mountains,” Uncle Hai chuckled.

“We still need to take a carriage? Is the back mountain courtyard far away?”

Lu Suifeng sat beside Uncle Hai and asked.

“The Lu Mansion covers thousands of acres. It will take at least two to three hours to reach the back mountain courtyard. Although it’s a bit remote, it’s a suitable place for you to reside. This way, you won’t be subjected to the disdainful gazes in the mansion. I’m good at reading people, and I can tell that you are not one of those mediocrity. Sooner or later, you will soar like a dragon. Don’t forget to give me some guidance when that time comes. Haha!”

“Uncle Hai has always cherished me since childhood, never forgetting about me even for a moment. In a few days, I will come up the mountain and give you a surprise.”

With memories from his childhood and the time spent together in recent days, Lu Suifeng held a deep sense of gratitude in his heart. He vowed to repay it when the opportunity arises.

“Excellent! Then we have a deal!”

Uncle Hai responded joyfully.

Two hours later, the carriage came to a halt on a stone staircase.

Before their eyes stood a towering forested mountain, reaching a height of a thousand meters.

Within the vast Lu Mansion, stood proudly like a solitary peak, exuding a majestic aura.

Despite the early winter season, the trees remained lush and verdant, creating a picturesque scene.

A stone staircase led straight to the summit.

The two of them ascended the steps, walking a hundred paces.

The mountain gradually became steeper.

Uncle Hai’s footsteps quickened, occasionally glancing at the young master beside him, who continued to follow closely, neither hurried nor slow.

Their breaths synchronized, their steps light and steady.

Suddenly, Uncle Hai increased his pace, yet the young man seemed unaware, effortlessly keeping pace with him, wearing an expression of tranquility and ease.


Even faster...

Uncle Hai’s footsteps created a gust of wind, swiftly ascending the steps, leaving the scenery on both sides behind in a blur...