Jungle Ambush

At City Lord’s Mansion, a highly secretive location, three hundred death warriors clad in black armor were silently gathering, ready for action.

Each of them possessed a formidable surge of profound energy, capable of sweeping away any force outside the Lu Family.

This was the hidden trump card that City Lord’s Mansion had kept for many years.

“Report! The number of targets has suddenly increased by more than thirty individuals, all of them young men and women. Preliminary assessment suggests that none of them possess any martial cultivation.”

Lord Bai’s sharp eyes flickered, “Hmm! How did so many people suddenly appear?”

The black-armored person trembled upon hearing this, “I have been closely monitoring the situation, but I have no idea where these people came from. Could it be a ploy by the enemy, hiring them temporarily to disrupt our surveillance?”

“That is also possible!”

Lord Bai nodded thoughtfully, “It seems this waste cannot contain his impatience and wants to escape!”

“Report! The targets are heading towards the eastern gate of the city, showing signs of leaving.”

“As expected! Order the Black Iron Guards to proceed to the outskirts of the eastern gate and set up an ambush in the jungle fifty miles away. Eliminate them all, leaving no survivors. Not a single one must escape.”


The black-armored person received the order and left.

Lu Suifeng!

You had enjoyed your freedom for several years, but today, next year would be the anniversary of your death!


Before departing, Lu Suifeng returned to the Lu Residence to bid farewell to his father.

Upon learning that Lu Suifeng’s destination was the Heavenly Martial Academy in Baiyun City, Lord Lu did not show any surprise or inquire further.

The fact that he easily obtained such a precious assessment opportunity already contained many unspoken words.

Some things were better left unsaid.

“Father! Don’t you think it’s a waste to send my younger brother on this journey? His talent is so poor that he will become the laughingstock of others there. It would be better if I went instead, as I can become a strong cultivator in due time and bring glory to our family!”

The eldest brother spoke arrogantly, looking down on Lu Suifeng, who clenched his fist with a hint of fear in his eyes.

“Are you qualified enough?”

Lu Suifeng’s face suddenly turned cold.

“I have been patient and accommodating towards you due to our blood ties, but you remain heartless and focused solely on martial cultivation. You only know how to bully the weak, leaving our clan feeling cold and alienated. With such stubbornness, how can you qualify to lead our family?”


Lu Changfeng’s face was filled with astonishment, staring blankly.

Was this the same waste that could be easily humiliated and bullied?

“You dare to speak to me like this? A waste like you, who doesn’t distinguish between respect and disrespect, I can crush you with a flick of my finger!”

Lu Changfeng became furious, his face exuding a murderous aura.

“I want that opportunity!”

Lu Suifeng knew that he wouldn’t be able to utter another word.

He flicked his finger, sending a gust of wind toward Lu Changfeng’s dumb acupoint, while two other gusts simultaneously targeted his knees.

Lu Changfeng opened his mouth but couldn’t utter a word.

His eyes widened in anger, feeling his legs go weak.

With a thud, he fell to the ground, unable to stand no matter how hard he struggled.

“Take this time to reflect on your past actions!”

Lu Suifeng said coldly, then turned apologetically towards his father, wanting to say something but hesitating...

Lord Lu waved his hand, signaling him not to say anything.

He sighed, “I hope he can come to his sense! By the way, there is something you must know. Our Lu Family is just a branch, the true main lineage is in the capital city. Moreover, we are one of the eight major aristocratic families in the capital. If you have the chance, you should consider going back and visiting. From our ancestors onwards, we sincerely hope to return to the main lineage one day.”

Lu Suifeng was surprised to hear this; he didn’t expecting such a significant background within the family, but he didn’t inquire further.

It was too early to discuss this matter, and there was no need to make any promises.


Looking back at Hongye City, everyone felt like a trapped dragon breaking free, soaring freely in the vast sky.

Life was full of joys and sorrows, ups and downs, and an endless cycle of happiness, bitterness, and sadness.

So what?

As long as one remained open-minded and vibrant, releasing the heat and vitality within oneself, living freely and naturally, it would add a sense of liveliness and dynamism to the world, and made others truly experiencing the existence of these lives.

It would be enough!

Eighty miles away is Tianfeng Town, where they must arrive before nightfall to meet with Manager Qin of the Mingyue Chamber of Commerce.

Then, they would travel together to Baiyun City.

The journey was swift, covering over forty miles in less than two hours.

“There is a murderous aura hidden in the forest five hundred meters ahead!”

Yun Wuya suddenly stopped, and said in an aloof tone.

“Just as the young master expected! The City Lord’s Mansion won’t let us go easily.”

Yun Wuying said indignantly.

“This is indeed a well-placed ambush spot! For an ordinary person, once they step into this jungle, there is almost no chance of survival.”

Lu Suifeng smiled coldly and said, “Wuying! You are in charge of this operation. Let everyone know that this time we are killing humans, not beasts!”


Yun Wuying responded, raising his hand and swiftly changing several hand gestures in the air.

The members of the Dragon, Phoenix, and Tiger groups understood each other’s intentions and quickly dispersed, disappearing without a trace.

“Wuji, have you ever killed anyone before?”

Lu Suifeng asked Ouyang Wuji, who was beside him.

Ouyang Wuji shook his head and said, “I haven’t even killed a beast!”

“We will have to cross this hurdle sooner or later! For now, let’s just be spectators,” Lu Suifeng patted his shoulder and smiled.

“Young Master, it seems there are still many people hiding in the forest,” Yun Wuya frowned.

“Should I go and check?”

“No need! Judging by their breathing, there are only two or three hundred people,” Lu Suifeng dismissed it casually.

“Wow! That many?” Ouyang Wuji shivered.

Thirty against two or three hundred, and the enemy was hiding in the dark corners of the forest.

How could they fight this battle?

“Don’t worry! They are just like wolves among sheep,” Lu Suifeng seemed to understand his concerns.

“If the battle is not over and the scene is not cleared before we enter the forest, everyone will be punished. Let’s go!”

Five hundred meters may seem long or short, but the three of them walked steadily forward.

From time to time, cries and screams could be heard from the forest, occasionally accompanied by the clash of blades.

As they approached the forest, the smell of blood grew stronger.

Lu Suifeng frowned.

He didn’t like this brutal scene of killing and the pungent smell of blood, but he had to face it seriously.

This was what it meant to be in the martial world.

The three of them finally entered the forest, and suddenly everything became quiet.

The members of the Dragon, Phoenix, and Tiger groups stood in neat formation in the forest.

Strangely, everyone had their heads lowered, and Yun Wuying, who stood at the front, looked particularly dejected.

Lu Suifeng surveyed the surroundings and noticed that the number of people in front of him hadn’t decreased, not even a single injured person.

What had happened?

“We’ve let one escape!”

Yun Wuying finally squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth.

“What happened?” Lu Suifeng asked solemnly.

“That guy ran away as soon as the battle started,” Yun Wuying’s face turned red.

“It was my negligence, I will accept punishment!”

“It’s our fault too! Please punish us, Young Master!” the rest said in unison.

Lu Suifeng waved his hand.

“Let it go this time. Even a small negligence in battle can lead you all to a disastrous fate!”

“Thank you, Young Master! We will remember!”

“In fact, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to leave someone behind to report the casualties.”

Lu Suifeng seemed to envision the scene of Lord Bai spitting blood and couldn’t help but sigh.

Lu Suifeng had just casually thought about it, but he didn’t expect Lord Bai to actually spit blood after hearing the news.

Wiping the bloodstains from the corners of his mouth, although Lord Bai’s face was still pale, he felt relieved after spitting out the blood.

His shock, anger, and resentment gradually subsided.

“How could it be a one-sided massacre? Who are these people?”

Lord Bai repeated his question.

The person who had escaped and returned to report the casualties looked even paler than Lord Bai.

Having narrowly escaped death, the fear in his eyes was still vivid.

“These people strike as fast as lightning, every move is deadly, and their agility surpasses the wind and even ghosts. Some of our men didn’t even have time to draw their swords before they were covered in blood. Within half an hour, not a single one of the three hundred Iron Guards survived...,” he said, filled with endless fear.

“How is that possible? They were three hundred high-level experts!”

Lord Bai became furious and spat out another mouthful of blood.

“I didn’t expect these useless people to secretly cultivate such a terrifying force. This news should be immediately reported to the Flowing Cloud Sect. You, leave now!”


The black-armored person acknowledged the order and left.

“Lu Suifeng, just you wait! One day, I will tear your body into a thousand pieces!”

Tianfeng Town was merely a small town with a population of around one hundred thousand.

Due to its strategic location, it naturally became a hub for the transportation of goods.

Goods purchased from various places were first gathered here before being distributed to other locations.

Hundreds of horse-drawn carriages, filled with merchandise, lined up along the road outside the town.

Over fifty mercenaries, disguised as guards, patrolled the area vigilantly. The merchant convoy was fully prepared, yet there was still no sign of movement.

“Manager Qin! When will your people arrive? It’s getting late!”

Impatiently inquired a mustachioed mercenary.

“Just a little longer! They should be here soon!”

Manager Qin gazed towards the rear of the convoy.

“Here they come, here they come!”

“Weren’t we expecting only one person? Why are there so many people now?” muttered the mustachioed mercenary, his eyes darting around.

“Manager Qin, who are these people? Why did the second young master bring them?”

Manager Qin pointed toward Lu Suifeng and the others, asking.

“Oh! They are all my good friends, ready to accompany the merchant convoy to Baiyun City,” explained Ouyang Wuji.

“Hello, Manager Qin! We are Wuji’s good friends. As it is our first journey, we are unfamiliar with the place, so we wish to travel with the merchant convoy,” smiled Lu Suifeng.

“Ah, they are just a group of children. Traveling is not easy. Let them come along!” Manager Qin sighed.


The mustachioed mercenary approached with a stern face.

“Manager Qin, our agreement did not include this. Suddenly adding so many people means we need to renegotiate the price. I counted, there are a total of thirty-three people, twenty gold coins each. Otherwise, they should leave immediately.”

“Take it easy! I know the rules!”

Manager Qin handed a bag of gold coins to the mustachioed mercenary.

“It’s just a little extra.”

The mustachioed mercenary weighed the coins in his hand and nodded in satisfaction.

“It’s getting late, let’s set off! You kids better behave on the journey and not cause any trouble.”


Ouyang Wuji extended his middle finger towards the retreating back of the mercenary.

“Narrow-minded fool!”

“Forget it! This work is not easy. We spill blood with our blades every day, all for a few gold coins to support our families,” calmly remarked Lu Suifeng.

Finally, the merchant convoy set off, with hundreds of vehicles rolling forward, raising clouds of dust.

With a journey of thousands of miles ahead, Manager Qin worried that these children might not withstand the bumps and suggested they rest in the carriages.

However, this kind of offer was declined by Lu Suifeng.

There was no place for idleness in cultivation.

Along the way, Lu Suifeng continuously instructed Ouyang Wuji, not forgetting to make him wear a fifty-pound sand garment.

Exhausted, Ouyang Wuji was panting heavily, drenched in sweat.

However, he found great joy in his fatigue.

To receive such meticulous guidance from the leader was an extremely rare opportunity, one that he must cherish every second.

“Master, what is the name of the body technique I’m practicing?”

Ouyang Wuji paused his unsteady movements and asked.

“Walking on Water.” Patiently explained Lu Suifeng.

“Your physique is sturdy, slightly clumsy. This body technique’s movements are light, elusive, and ever-changing, making it difficult for opponents to capture. It compensates for your shortcomings.”

Ouyang Wuji tilted his head, pondering for a moment, then performed a few slashing movements.

“I always feel that this body technique and sword technique are difficult to integrate as if they don’t quite fit together.”

“Correct! You’re starting to ask questions! Small doubts lead to small realizations, big doubts lead to big realizations. No doubts, no realizations!”

Praised Lu Suifeng with a smile.

“You have a solid and straightforward nature, not bound by trivialities. That’s why I chose a sword technique for you called Dharma Sword. It is concise and practical, without fancy and empty moves. It is upright and forceful, advancing without hesitation, like the mighty river, wave after wave, with grandeur and imposing momentum. Walking on Water, on the other hand, allows you to dodge and maneuver swiftly when under attack, creating opportunities for counterattacks. Therefore, there is no need for them to truly merge.”

Ouyang Wuji listened attentively, and as he reached the end, he raised his head towards the night sky, where the stars shimmered.

Was he counting the stars or realizing something?
