Jungle Hunt (Part 2)

“Report to General! The mountainous jungle ahead is filled with enemy traps. Every step forward comes at a heavy cost, with tens of thousands of soldiers losing their lives. Should we pause our advance?”

A bronze-armored officer reported to a silver-armored general.

“Bold! Without the Prince’s orders, who dares to retreat even half a step? Military law will be enforced!”

The silver-armored general sternly rebuked.

“What about the situation on the other fronts?”

“Most likely similar to ours, with significant casualties,” the disheartened bronze-armored officer replied.

“So many lives lost without even catching a glimpse of the enemy. What kind of battle are we fighting?”

“Don’t vent your frustrations here! I am even more frustrated. Military orders are absolute, and no one dares to disobey!”

The silver-armored general roared angrily.

“Continue pushing forward! Even if we have to fill every trap, I will find these enemies.”