Facing the Scene


As the crowds passed through, the sturdy city gates closed with a resounding thud. On the city tower, Nangong Yu suddenly felt weak all over, her eyes dimming. She tilted her head back and fell, but was fortunately caught by the leader of the guards standing nearby. Otherwise, she would have tumbled down the thirty-meter-high city tower.

"What happened to Sister Yu?" With a swift movement, Lu Suifeng appeared on the city tower, followed closely by Ziyan.

Bending down to check Nangong Yu's pulse, Lu Suifeng sighed after a while, "Exhaustion, mental fatigue. Rarely does a girl handle such a big scene, no matter how deep her cultivation is, it will take a toll." While speaking, he placed a pill into Nangong Yu's mouth and said to the leader of the Guards, "The rebels won't make any moves today. The soldiers are exhausted; let them rest properly. We'll take over the defense for now."