The Storm is Coming

“Wuji! Everyone has left, why are you still standing foolishly on the city wall?”

Yun Wuying appeared behind Ouyang Wuji at some point, gently calling out to him.

Ouyang Wuji seemed as if he hadn’t heard, standing there in a daze, lost in thought with a solemn expression on his face.

He murmured to himself, “I wonder what it feels like to be a brother-in-law, is life difficult?”

It seemed like he was asking Yun Wuying, yet also speaking to himself.

Yun Wuying reached out and touched his forehead, shaking her head.

“You’re not running a fever! Why are you talking nonsense in broad daylight? Hm! Brother-in-law, whose brother-in-law? Hiss!”

Yun Wuying seemed to suddenly understand something, covering her mouth in surprise.

“Ouyang Mingyue has someone she likes? No way, how did I not know?”

“No... What did I just say? Oh! Nothing, probably nothing. I was just guessing.”

Ouyang Wuji stammered, feeling somewhat flustered.

“Oh! Everyone has already left.”