Elite Competition

Upon seeing Bai Xiaoyan and the young master return safely, Flowing Cloud Sect Master couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, though his palms were slightly sweaty.

If the other party had truly intended to annihilate them, both of them would have been covered in blood at this moment.

One was his personally chosen disciple and future daughter-in-law, while the other was his own biological son and the future successor of the Flowing Cloud Sect.

If anything were to happen to them, even if he used all the power of the sect to eliminate those responsible, he would never be able to bring back their lives.

This loss would exceed his limits to bear, and the mere thought of it made his heart tremble.

Fortunately, none of that had happened yet, and both sides still had room to maneuver, avoiding a complete catastrophe.

“Many thanks to the Lord for upholding justice and overseeing this matter. It allowed us to resolve this grudge smoothly!”