"Lily, I think he is into me. What do you say?" Victoria asked as she day dreamed about the handsome man that just walked out of the shop with a cold aura.

Lily moved her gaze from the glasses on the table, and dropped it on her bestfriend. Cases like this made her agree with whoever made the saying that ignorance was pure bliss. She let out a tired sigh, "I really wish he is into you. I'll be cheering you both from here." Lily muttered.

Victoria went to sit where Raven had just left, sniffing his masculine cologne. She basked in it with all pleasure until her phone beeped, new message. Victoria read through it and said to Lily, "I have to go, it's already time for my shift at work. Tell your boss about it." With this the girl walked out of the flower shop.

Lily sat there like a doll playing house with two cups set in front of her. The activities in her life was becoming more and more surreal, like scenes found in a movie and she prayed so hard to wake up from the bad dream.

Lily looked at her glasses without touching them, she was scared the man had put something that could easily exterminate her, if she should touch it.

"Lily, this is not a movie!" She cautioned herself, reaching out for the glasses she checked it closely and it was still in perfect shape. Lily pulled her hair back, removing the contacts, she placed the glasses on her face just the way it always stayed. To Lily it felt like ages since she used her glasses, now she felt more like herself. More like Lily Parker.

Clearing off the table, Lily decided to go look for her boss and continue with what she had wanted to discuss with him initially before the devil walked in like he owned the place.

"Mr Adolf, I'm sorry for not informing you about the sudden guest." Lily apologized when she saw her boss going through the old record files in the storeroom.

Mr Adolf pushed the box away, dusting his trousers off the small particles that fell from the old files. He stood up and smiled, then he said to Lily, "It's fine, it also appears you didn't know he was coming. So who is he? Perhaps your boyfriend?" The man asked curiously.

Lily shrieked at the mention of the devil being her friend not to talk of boyfriend. "No! Mr Adolf, I don't even know him. I forgot something in his car last night, I can never go out with someone like that." The thought of being all lovey dovey with the man scared the wits out of Lily. It was like a nightmare and she wouldn't want to live it.

Her boss nodded his head, "When you say someone like that? What do you mean?" The man pressed on, when he noticed Lily's furrowed brow he waved his hands dismissively. 

"Sorry if I'm prying into your personal life, but I just want to make sure you are safe and you don't fall into wrong hands especially after what happened to your brother." The man added, raking his hand through his rough hair.

Lily nodded, how thoughtful. "Actually my friend was touched by a pervert last night so the man you saw earlier was the one who paid the fine and suggested to drive us home. I guess my glasses fell off when I was stepping down from the car." Lily paused for a moment, then she twitched her lips.

"But then Mr Adolf, how did you know what happened to my brother. I believe I haven't mentioned it to you." Lily asked, the first time Mr Adolf said it she felt maybe she heard wrong. Now he was saying it again and she didn't remember telling him about it neither was he at the club when it happened. She noticed how Mr Adolf smiled nervously rubbing his palm together.

"Oh Lily, this is a very small town you know? A friend of mine saw you at the police station yesterday and he told me the story. You don't think I have anything to do with it do you? Ha! I don't have such time you know?" The man replied, his words fast like he was being chased.

The story didn't really align but Lily decided to let go. She wanted to ask the man for help, him knowing about her brother's predicament was even better she didn't have to reiterate the story to him from the beginning.

"I know you're a very busy man. I was even surprised to see you at the club yesterday. But I need your help, my brother, he doesn't know who gave him the job and soon his file would be moved to court and that would be the end. Can you help me get a good lawyer." Lily begged.

Mr Adolf nodded his head, "Sure Lily. You're like a family, you've been with Twig and petals for a while now. I'll really love to help, let me contact my personal lawyer." The man brought out his phone and dialed a number.

Lily was so grateful she didn't know her boss would agree to help that quickly. Before she could thank him, the door bell rang.

"Let me attend to the customer." She rushed out of the storeroom.

Now alone inside the storeroom Mr Adolf's smiled seeped away from his face like water moving away from the shore. The person he called picked the call and he said,

"Raven was here, I don't know what he wants with the girl but I'll find out. As for the boy we used, get him a lawyer find out what he knows, if he would be a problem silence him. The shipment would be arriving next week, last thing we need right now is suspicion from the police. As for the girl, I'll find out how who she is to Raven." Saying this the man ended the call and walked out of the storeroom.

Lily who was attending to a customer continued to smile and said, "Thank you so much Ma, congratulations on your wedding. I'll get the flower ready by tomorrow's evening." When she raised her face, she saw her boss staring at her.

Lily gave the man a genuine smile of how much she appreciated his help to her family. She bowed to her new saviour with gratitude.

Mr Adolf returned a smile to the girl, with his hands dipped inside his pocket trouser. "It's your luck Lily, not mine" he bent his face down and muttered under his breathe.