Lily's boss helped her explain to her landlady that her brother would be released soon. The woman, being a greedy person, agreed the moment she was paid in advance for the house rent. She accepted the money, in return promised never to bother Lily again.

Lily tried her best to work diligently for her boss. She made sure she did extra work in the shop; cleaning the shop, watering the flower and cleaning them, and staying overtime. That was the best she could do since the man refused to be paid back. Not like she could even pay him back even if she tried to.

Working with customers was not easy, but she still tried her best in any way she could, giving them a big smile no matter what they said. It was during her afternoon shift that Lily almost lost her cool with the annoying customer who came to buy flowers in large quantities.

"Good afternoon, welcome to Twig and Petals," Lily greeted the man and woman who had just stepped inside the shop. But she noticed that they didn't respond. Thinking maybe they didn't hear her clearly, Lily raised her voice. But she didn't finish her sentence when the woman rubbed her ears.

"You might as well use a megaphone and split our eardrums. We heard you the first time," the woman snapped.

Lily felt embarrassed with the way the woman spoke to her, but she quickly pushed it behind her. She gave the woman a big smile. "Sorry about that; I was worried you didn't hear me," she replied.

The man who had walked in with the woman chuckled, "Even if we did hear you, is it obligatory that we should respond?"

Lily shook her head, "No, Sir," she replied still with a smile on her face.

The couple started walking around the shop looking for the flower they wanted. Lily watched them from the counter; she didn't go to assist them because they already looked irked with her presence. She didn't want to make it worse or disappoint her boss who was helping her, only to pay him back by sending customers away. She stood there from afar, watching as the couple checked out the flowers.

When the woman tried to touch one of the roses, she was pricked by the thorn she didn't see. She shrieked like her hands had been crushed with a hammer.

Lily ran out of the counter and rushed to where the woman was crying, while resting on the man's shoulder. "What is the problem, ma?" she asked worriedly.

"You're asking what the problem is? I should report this shop that keeps things lying around carelessly to harm their customers," the man fished out his phone and tried to dial the police number.

Lily held the man's hand, "Please, I'm sorry, sir. You don't have to report it; we can handle it amicably," she tried to reason with them.

The man huffed, pulling his hand away from Lily's grip; he held the woman. "Darling, what do you say? Should I make the report?" he asked the woman who won't stop sobbing.

The woman raised her fingers; there was not much blood, but she held her hand like it was raining blood. "Look at my pretty finger; I only tried to see if the flowers would fit my wedding ring," she said, flashing her hands in Lily's face.

Lily inhaled deeply, trying to keep her cool, "I'm sorry, ma, but it says on the caution notice, be careful, some flowers have thorns. And it's common knowledge that roses always have thorns, yes? Moreover, the prick is not always that serious; I too get them when I clean the flowers," she asked, pointing at the boldly written sign.

"Are you saying it's my fault? Are you saying I'm dumb? Honey, call the cops; this girl thinks we are a big joke," the woman whined to the man who seemed to be her husband.

Lily sighed, Of course, you're dumb. Someone of your age who can't read signs, and here you are crying about being pricked by a small thorn. Lily said in her mind. Then she said to the woman,

"Please don't be offended; allow us to take responsibility. First, let me treat your finger; we have a first aid box here." Lily offered politely, but deep down, she was close to losing her cool.

The woman rolled her eyes, "You think I would let you touch me? With those hands like that? Point the restroom to me; I will handle myself."

Lily smiled and directed the woman towards the restroom. Turning to the man, she said, "Please have a seat there; I will package a flower as an apology. You don't have to pay."

Before long, Lily was done wrapping a flower, but the woman was not yet out of the restroom. She walked to the husband and handed the flower to the man, but the man held her hand in the process. Lily smiled thinking it was a mistake, but the man didn't let go.

"Sir, please let go of my hand," She said in a strong voice, pushing her glasses up.

The man let out a creepy grin; this time his hands started moving from Lily's wrist up to her arm, "Don't act coy; I know you like it too. I saw how you held my hands earlier," the man remarked rubbing his hands on Lily.

Lily brushed off the man's hand quickly, disgusted by the act. "It was a mistake, and I will act like this never happened. Take the flower and leave the shop once your wife comes out," she said angrily.

The man scoffed, "Why acting so innocent? I'm sure you will enjoy it too; let's be fast before my wife comes out." The man advanced towards Lily trying to grab her waist.

But Lily didn't let the man get any closer as she left her palm imprint on the man's face, which caused the man to almost lose his balance. At the same time, the man's wife rushed out of the bathroom.

"What do you think you're doing?" The woman shouted angrily running over to help the man stand on his feet.

The man stood behind his wife, "She was trying to throw herself on me, and I refused, then she slapped me," he lied, glaring at Lily as the sting from the slap made his head spin a little.

The woman stomped her feet, "How dare you? I knew there was something off about the girl, She-"

"The surveillance camera clearly caught you both; if you don't leave here with your remaining dignity that's if you still have one, I would be the one reporting to the cops." Lily pointed at the surveillance camera then at the couple. She was already fed up and she couldn't handle any more of this.

The man and his wife looked up at the camera which caught all their actions. Grabbing their flower, they scrambled out of the shop.

Lily rubbed her temples tired; it was always like this, sometimes customers could be very funny. She walked back to her counter to continue with her assignment.