Lily was not even surprised to see her boss standing in front of her. Infact she wasn't sure anything could surprise her anymore, she stared at the man blankly.

"Let's get you out of the rain," Mr Adolf said, taking Lily to his car that was parked very close.

Currently Lily sat inside the car with her body drenched from hair to toe, she stared into space blankly, with her eyes not blinking.

"I saw your brother on the news, that was also when I saw you. I drove to your house but your landlady told me you had just left. I almost drove past, until I recognized your glasses." Mr Adolf pointed out, offering Lily a dry towel.

Lily nodded her head without saying anything, the droplets of rain now settled on the side of her face, while smudging her glasses.

Mr Adolf cleared his throat and said to his driver, "Take us to Twig and petals." The driver nodded and made a turn going towards Lily's work place.

The weather was cold but Lily for some reason couldn't feel it, it was as if her whole senses were locked down. She couldn't feel a thing, she was in another domain. A domain where her soul was numb to pain, cold and other earthly feelings.

The car finally stopped in front of the flower shop and Lily followed her boss inside like she was being controlled by an unseen force.

With the rain falling heavily so many people parked their cars on the street to avoid driving on the slippery road with constant reports of accidents during rainy days. Inside one of the cars, two men watched the light in the flower shop turn on.

"Is this what you meant by it was going to rain tears? That girl is one unlucky human." Shadow sighed looking at the girl who stood hopelessly.

"Why do you think Adolf is doing this to her and also acting as a guardian? Why don't we approach him?" The agent with red hair asked.

Raven noticed the girl was now talking to her boss, he had seen her walking under the rain. He thought she was going to finally fall apart with this last hit but it seems like she was a tough one.

"What do you think the foundation would do if they find out we interfered in their work because of the girl?" He asked Shadow.

Shadow exhaled deeply, "They will have her killed" it was the kind of work they did, never to have any personal affair that could be used as weakness.

"But it feels so sad watching the girl go through all that, I hope she survives all these, seeing how Adolf used her brother to move the police attention while he smuggled his goods. The man is just plain evil."

Raven kicked off his ignition, "We all are." He replied, and zoomed off from the place looking at the girl from his side mirror.

Back at the flower shop, Lily removed her glasses and wiped it clean. She turned her green eyes to look at her boss momentarily before she moved her gaze.

"Lily, here is some hot tea. Take it before you catch a cold." The man gave Lily a small cup filled with hot tea.

Lily stretched her hand and held the cup in her hands not minding that the heat was burning her palm.

Mr Adolf pulled out a chair and sat down, "My lawyer said he will find a way to help your brother go out on parol. Don't worry so much, you can move in here there's an empty room inside, you can make use of it." The man said kindly.

Lily nodded her head, "You knew what happened to my brother at the clubhouse when I never mentioned it, now you saw my brother on the news. Isn't that too much of a coincidence, Mr Adolf?" The girl asked in a calm voice.

Adolf smiled, "Lily, I know everything that's happening in your life is making you suspicious of everyone. I understand, so just calm down okay?" The man continued to put on the fake smile that hid his true nature.

Lily chuckled, "Yes, everything happening is making me see things more clearer. I saw you at the police station when the reporters pushed me on the ground, was that where you watched the news? How was it s coincidence that immediately you left the clubhouse that day my brother came in and was arrested." Her hands that gripped the cup trembled.

Adolf moved uncomfortably on his chair, finally the smile on his lips seeped away. Slowly like it was never there, the sweet smile vanished. "I was going to let you live Lily, if you had continued to be the sweet girl and acted accordingly but then you couldn't just do that right?"

Lily took a step back, "Why? What did my family do so wrong. Why are you doing this to me?" She asked tiredly.

"Why? You have something I need, so once you give it to me. I promise not to bother you again. Okay Lily?" The man said with a creepy grin on his lips.

Lily shook her head, "You...you ruined my life because of what you wanted?"

Adolf clapped his hands, "Should I say you were brave to follow me here despite knowing that I'm not to be trusted or is it called being foolish?"

Lily nodded her head, "I was going to leave but then I would regret not doing this" Lily poured the hot tea on the man's face blinding him temporarily.

"Argh! You bitch!" The man screamed, flailing his hand trying to get a grip on Lily, he was only able to push her glasses out of her face.

Lily broke the cup on the ground, she picked a piece, using her last strength she scratched it on the man's face and bolted out of the shop.

Mr Adolf held the side of his face that was now bleeding and shouted for the driver that was in his car, "Idiot! get her before she escapes".

Lily ran like it was the end of her life. She didn't dare to look back, all she wanted was to run to the station and tell them everything her boss had done. And how he was the one who framed her brother. Even when her ankle twisted as a result of her weak legs, Lily didn't stop running, She dragged herself up from the ground and continued to run under the rain, limping with each step.

It was because of Lily's lack of focus and direction that she didn't see a van honking for her. The next minute she was hit by a car, and the driver didn't stop but drove away speedily.

Lily laid on the floor, as the rain splashed on her face, she tried to blink them away but tears flowed mixing with the salty rain. Lily pushed herself up from the ground, when she looked up, she saw her boss and his driver coming closer to where she was but then they paused in their steps.

Lily noticed they were looking behind her, she turned to see a black van parked behind her. A short buffy man stepped down and now came to stand beside her.

"We found another one, she looks lost." The man announced.

"Bring her in." Someone ordered from the van.

Lily watched as the man moved closer to her with a grin on his face, "Don't worry girl, this won't hurt "

Lily felt the side of her neck sting as something was injected inside her system. Slowly she lost consciousness...