Raven picked up the note on the table; the girl had scribbled a word of thank you before leaving. He crumpled the paper, checking his phone to see that the girl was still in the vicinity.

"Raven, I think you have to let her go. She doesn't even want to stay with you," Shadow held Raven's shirt when he was about to leave the restaurant to go searching for the girl.

Raven looked down at his shirt, then at where Shadow's hand had gripped. The shorter agent knew he had overstepped his boundary; he quickly let go.

"I'm sorry, man, but I'm just saying you need to let her go. Right now, everyone is looking for the girl," Shadow explained while following Raven who was searching every nook for Lily.

Raven nodded in agreement, "Everyone is looking for her because she got entangled with me. Wouldn't you agree with me that the safest place for her is still with me?"