With the heavy rain from last night, the morning was looking dull, but the breeze felt fresh on the skin. Lily, who was still sleeping, moved her leg to the side, throwing the other one to the other side. The young girl was a careless sleeper. She moved all the pillows to her side, enjoying the comfortable feeling.

Lily hummed with satisfaction; she didn't know a small bed and thin blanket could be this pleasing to the skin. Her night was even more comfortable than the first night; the bed was so fluffy and spacious... spacious...wait..

Lily opened her eyes; her leg was spread on the large bed, like a bird ready to take flight. The girl jerked up,

"What am I doing here?" Lily gasped, pulling the blanket to her chest, "Did he nab me while I was sleeping?" The girl asked herself, her eyes darting here and there.