Raven pushed the door with his leg as soon as he got home, carrying the girl to his own room.

Lucy whirred after her master, "I have prepared the room for our visitor," the robot remarked.

"That won't be necessary, get the first aid box to my room fast," the man ordered, pushing his door open with one kick.

Soon, the fragile girl was laid down on the bed, with the blanket wrapped around her body. Lucy brought the first aid box and moved closer to check the girl's temperature.

"My!" the robot gasped.

Raven raised his brow, "What?" He asked.

Lucy made an electronic sound when she turned to face her master, "The normal body temperature of a human is 36.4°C and 37.2-"

"I'm very much aware, what is the problem?" Raven cut the robot short, not willing to hear the long list.