It was like the world was against Lily; all she ever had to face was bad luck. She didn't know when things had gone wrong for her; she couldn't even remember now. It was just yesterday she enjoyed chicken with her brother while he teased her. It was just yesterday he called her an Icecream because she came out of the shower with foam on her hair.

Just yesterday...they laughed and lived like normal people. But now, she lived with a gun to her head and her brother tied to a pole ready to be killed.

Lily pushed open the car door, staggering towards the arena she muttered to herself, "Fred..."

But Fred couldn't hear her; Fred was already tired of life. The boy was now looking pale after spending weeks in a prison even as a minor he was subdued to the harsh treatment there. Denied of food and other basic human necessities, the boy's hand trembled in fear as he looked around for his only sister for hope.