Lily didn't say anything else during the ride. Her mind slowly wandered to the memories about her family, especially her mother. She didn't know why the memory about her was faint, even in her dream she couldn't see her mother's face.

Maybe subconsciously she had decided to forget the woman since she never acted as a mother to her or Fred. Lily said to herself, her eyes looking outside the window as she watched people move freely in the city.

Lily remembered that it was just only last night that countless lives were lost yet it looked like just another normal day. A man walking with his dog, and a young woman waiting to cross while holding her coffee. But yet, lives had been lost the other night. Lily sighed.

"Master, um...can I go back to school? I still have one year left to graduate and I've missed so many classes," Lily asked after seeing college students chatter while crossing the road.