Now sitting inside the exam hall, Lily tried to calm her jittering nerves. It was always like this whenever she had exams, a reminder that she was still a student.

"Maya, what are you doing?" she asked when she noticed Maya chewing the end of her pen.

Maya turned her stiffened neck. "Lily, I didn't prepare for the exam..." the girl muttered.

Lily sighed. She thought she was bad with exams; Maya was worse. Lily chuckled; it was weird to see Maya, who always acted tough, be afraid because of her exam.

"Don't worry, it'll go just fine," Lily found herself assuring the girl.

Maya dropped her pen on the table. "Lily, I want to pee. No, I need to pee like right now," the girl said, holding her stomach.

Lily looked around the hall; students were still getting ready to settle down, so if they should run down to the restroom quickly and come back, they would meet up for the exam.