Maya hugged Lily tightly when she saw her in school. "I'm sorry, Lily. I should have insisted you go to the hospital. How do you feel now?" She asked.

Lily smiled, "Much better. You don't have to be sorry; you did nothing." She turned to look at Victor, who had a sad look on his face. "What is it, Victor?"

"He cried yesterday waiting for you to wake up," Maya pointed at the boy, "For a boy, he is so weak-hearted." She tutted.

Victor glared at Maya, "You should have put your head so it doesn't hit Lily's own, since yours is made of steel." The boy muttered.

Maya scoffed, "Lily, did you hear that? I just should kill him one of these days and claim it was a domestic accident," she pointed at the boy. Victor stuck his tongue out, mocking her.