Lily stirred awake the next morning, the dull ache in her muscles a harsh reminder of the previous day's accident. Rolling over, she stretched, wincing at the sharp tug in her shoulder. Did she hit her shoulder somewhere? She tried to remember. Lily turned to glance at the empty space beside her; Raven was already awake, and his side of the bed was cold.

She shuffled into the bathroom, dipping herself inside the warm water. When she remembered how good it felt with Raven last night, she smiled. As she washed away the remnants of sleep, her mind drifted back to the events of yesterday, the revelations about Azalea's lab. If it truly was burnt down, then how was it possible... wait... Lily paused.

"Edgar had burn scars on his face!" Lily muttered to herself. Pouring the warm water to rinse off her body, she quickly dressed up, running outside to meet Raven.

"Lucy," Lily called the robot, "Where is Raven?"