"You shouldn't be running around, the weather is cold," Victor said, touching the fluffy cat that was nibbling on its food.

"Victor? Victor, where are you?" Maya's voice was heard from inside. She ran outside the house, catching sight of Victor, who was lost in his own world, crouched on his heels petting the cat in front of him.

Maya nudged the boy's shoulder. "I told you to get ready; we are going to visit Lily. She's critically ill."

Victor inhaled deeply. "You just scared the cat away!" He pointed at the cat that left its food behind. Knitting his brows, "Wait, what did you just say? What happened to Lily?" Worry laced his voice.

"I called her yesterday; she sounded very ill. Before she could say anything else, the call ended. Let's go and see her." Maya reiterated. She had been worried throughout the night about Lily, even when she tried calling back, it didn't connect.