At Raven's mansion, Maya lay on the bed with her leg dangling on the floor. She didn't like how Victor had treated her earlier, and it was really bothering her, but most importantly, she needed to call Lily to know if she was okay. Without Lily around all these years, Maya felt lonely. That was the only reason she had followed her around to watch over her, and now that Lily had returned, Maya was happy and she wished every day for Lily's memory to return to her.

When the sound of a car was heard driving in, Maya ran to the window and saw Victor driving inside the house. Even if she didn't have Lily, there was Victor for her to taunt. Quickly, Maya rushed out of her room, almost pushing the dutiful robot that was cleaning the house.

"Sorry, Lucy," Maya waved without looking back, she stood at the door, waiting for Victor to walk in so she could scare him. And when the door finally opened, Maya shouted with a wide grin on her face, "Boo!"