[Music Recommendation: Lovers in the night ~ Seori]

The microphone made an echoing sound as Lily held it tightly. She was shaking and she knew it. The alcohol wasn't helping; it was just blurring things out.

"Miss Lily?" Her attention was called again, and this time she took cautious steps, standing at the center of the stage where all eyes were on her. Lily felt like she was being pushed deep inside water, the leering eyes of the crowd. Her father, with a frown on his face, and men who were ogling at her. Girls who whispered to each other, she didn't know what they were saying. Lily squinted her eyes, looking for Maya, and when she found her friend, the girl was drowning herself in every alcohol that passed.

Lily bit her lips, her leg was almost giving away when she noticed at the other side of the hall. The coppery brown eyes that stared coolly at her, there were no emotions, but it made her feel safe. Locking her eyes with his, she pushed the microphone up.