Lily sat in the cafeteria, waiting for Dylan to come back with the drink he had gone to get. Meanwhile, she worried about Maya; did something happen last night that she wasn't aware of?

"Here, I got you an iced vanilla latte," Dylan said with a sweet smile.

Lily took the coffee. "Thank you," she took a sip of the cold drink, wiping the corner of her lips. She asked, "You had something you wanted to talk to me about?"

Dylan cleared his throat. "I was at your house yesterday, you know, after the unveiling. I had to drive my dad home, so he decided to talk with your dad, you know, business and all."

Lily nodded. "Oh, that's beautiful..." her voice trailed off. She wasn't sure what she was going to do with that information.

"I met with your mom," Dylan said, going straight to the point. "I'm not sure, but she said something disturbing to me last night, about trying to harm you or something."