Raven lived his life watching his back and also not fully trusting anyone. It was because of this reason he had kept a tab on Victor and Maya after they appeared in Lily's life. They both came out clean until the attack on Lily's life while she was in school. That was when Raven saw Victor and dug deeper into his family history. Everything linked him to Augustine. At first, Raven was going to get rid of the boy, but then he stayed beside them without posing any threat, even breaking off all communications with Augustine.

Dropping his phone on his table, he sighed and scratched his brow slightly. Even when Augustine attacked them in the past, he also hurt Victor. There was no communication between father and son. Raven decided to let it be as long as the boy had no ill thoughts and was just by his side. But recently, since Lily's return, Victor had been going to see Augustine more often than usual.