Chapter 6



I felt shudders dance down my spine like ice sprites as the Lycan slunk out of the room. Fatigue and hunger gnawed at me, but all I desired was an escape route, to let my legs lead me to freedom, wherever that may be.

Despite the Lycan's cruel behavior towards me, there was a puzzling charm about him that kept me drawn to him. His rough exterior somehow disguised a sense of vulnerability that tugged at my heart.

Maybe it was his haunted eyes or the way he carried himself with a hidden despair. Whatever it was, I found myself unable to fully shake off my admiration for him, even though he showed me nothing but disdain.

His deep masculine voice and yes, his height too. Apart from the fact that he handled me roughly, I loved the way his cock dangled in his shorts. I could not help but keep wondering, he surely possessed all the possible features I could ever ask for in a man.

But I never thought things would turn out this way, I never wanted to be anyone's breeder! Instead, I wanted to rule my father's pack with my supposed mate.

Lying on the vast mattress, my neck throbbed from his brutal grip, leaving me powerless and vulnerable in the dimly lit room. Each breath felt like a burden as I struggled to make sense of the chaos around me.

The shadows danced mockingly on the walls, echoing the torment I endured. In the silence, a surge of determination flickered within me, a tiny flame of defiance against his oppressive darkness.

As I lay there, lost in a haze of pain and confusion, the dull ache in my body seemed to merge with the heaviness in my mind. Then, like a whisper of solace, a knock broke through the silence, startling me.

The door creaked open, revealing a maid with a tray of food. She set down the tray on a small table beside me before quietly leaving the room.

Her voice was gentle as she addressed me, calling me "princess." As she swiped his hands towards the food she had dropped before me, drawing my attention towards it and shifting a bit backward.

In that simple word, It dawned on me that my stay in the Lycan's palace would last forever, I just had to accept what fate had brought my way.

As I gazed at the meager meal on the plate, a sense of disbelief washed over me. It was just a handful of grain swimming in a thin layer of salmon sauce, barely enough to satisfy a hunger pang. The immensity of the situation struck me—this pitiful meal was meant to sustain me.

"I feed well in my father's pack. This feels like a torture. Why should I be the one suffering for my father's wickedness?" I thought to myself.

At that moment, I realized that perhaps this was a test of my resilience, a trial designed to push me to my limits.

I also thought of my father's pack, the only pack I had known since my existence.

The thought of living in an entirely different place far from my pack made me sick.

How would I cope? All my life, I had been living like a princess with guards and maids at my beck and call but the narrative changed ever since I was captured and brought into the Lycan's palace. I'm worth more like a slave. Why should I be treated like one, for a crime I knew nothing about?

The aroma of the meal before me made my stomach growl, demanding to be fed. The plate in front of me held a meager portion of food, barely enough to satisfy my hunger. Despite my reluctance, I knew I had no other choice but to eat.

With each bite, I could feel the flavors exploding in my mouth, a temporary escape from the harsh reality of my circumstances. The food, though simple, provided a fleeting moment of comfort in an otherwise bleak situation.

As I savored every bite and chew on the plate, I longed for more, but the voices around me fell on deaf ears. I was on my own in this battle against hunger.

In no time, the same maid who brought the meal returned to take back the plates and tray.

"Valeria!" I called out to her, not minding what the outcome would be. She turned back and looked surprised. She never expected I would call her by her name. One of her colleagues had called her earlier on, which was how I learned her name.

As Valeria turned around, a look of curiosity crossed her face. She approached with the grace of someone accustomed to serving in silence, yet her eyes held a hint of intrigue.

"Is there something else you need, ma'am?" she asked politely, her voice soft yet carrying a trace of warmth.

I hesitated, unsure of why I had called out to her in the first place. But something within me urged me to continue the conversation.

"I...I just wanted to thank you for the meal, Valeria. It was truly delicious," I said, offering her a genuine smile.

Her surprise melted into a smile of her own, revealing a dimple on her left cheek.

"You're welcome, ma'am. I'm glad you enjoyed it," she replied, her eyes meeting mine for a fleeting moment.

We stood there in a brief silence, the air between us charged with unspoken words. Valeria seemed to be waiting for me to say something more, while I struggled to find the right words.

"How long have you been working here?" I asked, grasping at the first question that came to my mind.

"Two years now ma'am," she replied. "I've lived in this pack long enough. It's not much, but here feels like home," she said, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea to make friends with her." I thought.

I needed someone to talk to and she was my best option, maybe because she was the oldest amongst them and also looked friendly.

As we spoke, I learned more about Valeria—the challenges she faced, her dreams and aspirations, and the simple joys that brightened her days. And in return, I shared tales of my own life, painting a picture of a world she had never known.

I had laid on my back as a result of the pain I felt all over. Gradually, I sat up and engaged in a lively chat with her.

Our discussion took turns; seconds turned into minutes and then into hours as we enjoyed each other's company. Chatting as though we had known each other for a long time.

Amid our discussions, Valerie revealed some secrets about the Lycan's Palace to me. Gerald, the Lycan had several other concubines who were also living in the Palace.

After quite some time of a lengthy discussion with Valerie, the door abruptly opened, with a loud noise causing us both to tremble in fear.

The forceful opening of the door made our bones quacky and our eyes alarmed.

We jumped up from where we were sitting at the sight of the Lycan. Fear gripped us both when his bewildered eyes stared at us in disdain.

There was silence in the room for a while as different thoughts ran through my mind. The maid and I stood with our heads faced down as we weren't sure what punishment awaited us. The Lycan had warned everyone in the Palace never to be seen with me.

"What are you doing here at this time?" He queried, finally breaking the silence.

Valeria was trembling in fear as the Lycan moved close to her.

I felt terrible within me watching her shiver, it was quite obvious that I had dragged her to my mess.

I stood still, my head buried to the ground. A deafening sound filled the air, making me shiver. Gerald had given Valeria a resounding slap and ordered her out of the room.

I peeped towards the door and caught a glimpse of her as she quickly ran out of the room as though she was being chased by a ghost.

I could sense trouble as Gerald meandered his way towards where I was standing.

My sweat glands swooped into action as I started sweating profusely despite the cold weather of the day.

He grabbed one of my hands, holding me in a firm grip. My mind wallowed and I shivered at the same time, still sweating profusely.

What is his plan? I hope he's not planning on hurting me again. I wondered.

My feet clenched, causing my poise to be unstable. I could not stare at his fierce-looking face, so I left my face still buried down.

His firm grip on my hand left my fingers feeling sore. I was fretting within myself, even though I was trying to maintain my composure and balance; but he never fell for all that, he knew I was scared, I've always been scared of him.