A Unexpected Duel II

The Endgame

16. Nxe6 Qd6

Jake's knight captured the pawn, threatening the King's position. The King's queen moved to counter the attack.

17. Nf4 Be7

Jake's knight retreated to a strong defensive position. The King developed his bishop, aiming at the weakened center.

18. c4 g5

Jake's pawn moved to control more space. The King pushed his pawn, trying to open lines for his pieces.

19. cxd5 exd5

Jake captured with the pawn, opening up the center. The King recaptured, but Jake's position remained strong.

20. Nxd5 Nxd5

Jake's knight captured the pawn, challenging the King's defense. The King's knight recaptured, but it was a critical mistake.

21. Qxd5 Rf8

Jake's Queen mecha captured the knight, placing immense pressure. The King's rook moved to defend, but the position was collapsing.