Assimilating III

A year had passed, and in that time, Roselia had hunted down countless bandit dens, rescuing over a thousand women from the clutches of brutality and despair. She had become a force of nature, her power growing exponentially with each battle, and every woman she saved was another brick laid in the foundation of Aiden's influence. These women were not just victims anymore; they were integral to the world Aiden was shaping.

The village had expanded, transforming from a mere bandit hideout to a flourishing town, its architecture filled with beauty and refinement. The women, once broken and lost, had begun to thrive, their potential unlocked thanks to Aiden's "Paradoxical Perfection." They worked together, utilizing their talents to elevate the village into a well-structured and prosperous community, with a mansion at its center where Aiden resided.