Moments later, the army set out.

Aiden led the way, his senses sharp and his spirit tense like a coiled spring. They marched across the broken plains of the Abyss, where reality seemed to twist and shimmer, the air heavy with dark energy. Every step brought them closer to the Citadel, its shadowy spires looming in the distance.

As they drew near, Myne slowed her pace, her eyes narrowing. "It's too quiet. I don't like it."

Rick frowned. "Agreed. I expected patrols or scouts by now."

Aiden extended his Spirit Sense, sweeping the area ahead. His eyes widened as he sensed something—a massive web of traps and wards laid out across the landscape.

"Stop!" he commanded, raising his hand. The army halted immediately.

"The entire area is laced with traps," Aiden said. "They're funneling us into a kill zone."