As I walked into the main yard, I noticed everyone was staring at me. They all believed I was dead. My scarred face was against the Monarch's wishes, but I didn't care.

I was here for fun and to enjoy the attention.

At the same time, Mo An and Jin Ling arrived, dressed in eye-catching blue and black robes.

Mo Ah whispered to Jin Ling, "Didn't you say he had a bad fall and would be asleep for a long time? Why is he here now?"

Jin Ling was just as confused, "I don't know. The doctor said he wouldn't wake up soon. We need to teach him a lesson."

Mo An sighed, "Let's hope we won't have to stay with him in the concubines' quarters for much longer. I think Her Highness might pick me today. Look at me, I'm skilled and clean. Who wouldn't want me as a consort, right?"

Just then, the loud voice of one of the servants was heard as he shouts aloud, "Announcing! Her highness shall arrive soon!"

He proclaimed and with that, everyone made their way towards the entrance of the main door and lined in two rolls.

The number of concubines in the Ming residence were 50 so 25 concubines in each roll and I stayed at the left.

Once more, the servant said aloud, "Her highness is approaching! Bow and pay your Respect," he said as all the concubines then went on their knees as they bowed down in Respect and I followed alongside them.

After a few seconds of silence, the huge entrance door finally dashed open as footsteps were heard entering the huge main hall.

There were other footsteps and it seemed to have been some other servants behind the monarch.

And with that, The concubines harmonized in unison, proclaiming, "We welcome Her Majesty, the monarch, the ruler of the blue moon!" Their voices resounded through the chamber, and a hush fell upon the assembly as a breathtakingly majestic voice echoed from above.

It could only be the female Monarch, my objective in this world.

"You may stand," she declared.

As They all stood up, same with me but I still kept my head bowed after all, it was part of my little scheme.

My Aim is to get the female Monarch's attention and also get revenge on those who had caused Weifeng's death.

Even with my head bowed down, I could still see a slight part of the female monarch.

She had milky long legs and her scent was like that of peaches which penetrated around me most especially.

Looks like she would be a beautiful type.

Just then, her voice echoed around the entire hall, "It's nice to see all my concubines today, I've been out in war for a year now and haven't had time to visit either of you.. so I'm happy to see that you are all doing well!"

The monarch with the name Ming Xia su said with a bright smile plastered across her face but as she walked closer in the midst of her concubines, she couldn't help but get her attention stolen away from the concubine who kept his face bowed even while others had their head up and straight.

Tilting her head slightly, I felt her stand in front of me, her curiousity quite alluring as she said directly at me, "Ma'am Han, who is this?"

She asked the head of all the concubine quarters 'Miss Han' who nodded at her majesty before she then replied, "He is the first son of Duke and Duchess Wei, your Majesty!"

She stated as the Monarch seemed quite shocked. Didn't she know of me?

"Then he must be Chang'An elder brother, I see..." She murmured to herself as she then commanded, "What's the reason to keep your head bowed. C'mon raise it up!"

She said what I exactly wanted from her and with that, I slowly and shakenly raised it up only to reveal my handsome face with a scar plastered around it.

I could see the surprise in her eyes as she gazed upon my scarred face.

She must have never noticed it back then because the former Weifeng hid from her whenever she came for the greetings.

After all he was in love with her, since they were both kids, they would play together and he would dream of becoming her husband but after the tragedy that killed his family, the least she could do was take him and his brother under her wing.

He was ready to become her most live and favorite consort but unfortunately, he was left here for dead.

Ignored, unloved, bullied and mistreated.

What a tragic ending. I even almost feel for him.

Ming Xia Su's gaze lingers on your scar as I stood before her. Her curiosity turns into concern as she inspects my face. "That's quite a grievous wound you have," she comments. "Would you mind sharing how it came about?"

She said as a slight smile appeared on my lips but of course she couldn't see it.

I hesitated for a moment, recalling the events that led to the scar, after all I did have few of wei feng's memories.

But I can't confess just yet, at least she most not hear the names of the culprit from my lips

Ming Xia Su's expression darkens. She turned her attention to me and I still remained silent. "Wei Feng, do you know who inflicted this scar upon yourself?" she demanded, her voice stern.

But I didn't reply as I just shivered slightly as I bowed my head below but just before she could say anything else, I gave Jin Ling and Mo An a stare and upon seeing me gaze upon them, they shivered slightly.

'you little piece of sh*t! Why are you staring at us?' he murmured to himself as he clenched his fist hard.

But he wasn't smarter than me, especially when it came to these little antics.

I looked at them nervously as I quickly turned my gaze away like a kitten that had just been frightened and I'm pretty sure the monarch saw all these.

The monarch's eyes narrowed as she then looked straight at the two who almost felt like peeing on themselves.

"Are you both responsible for these?" She questioned with authority and they immediately got on their knees and denied.

"N-no your Majesty! We would never do such a thing to brother wei, we are innocent!"

They all said as they pleaded with fake tears.

But her anger continued to build, and she then commanded me, "Concubine Wei, strip yourself!"