Poison? 2

Since the Monarch was busy, we had no chance to see her so ma'am Han led me to my room.

My chamber was small but still bigger and better than my other Chamber as a Concubine.

The room in Chinese style had traditional wooden furniture, silk curtains, and a low, ornate bed. It was decorated in rich red and gold colors with symbols of prosperity and good fortune.

It was nice and comfortable for me to stay in.

"2nd Mid consort Wei, I shall take my leave now but your servant shall be sent to you soon and shall escort you to greet the Monarch at sun down!"

She said before she then bowed and made her way out.

Servant huh? How interesting, I had a servant of my own!

Just then, the door once again dashed open and a young beautiful girl made her way in.

She had beautiful white skin and beautiful black hair which was packed in two buns.

Seeing from her dressing, she must be a maid here but with a beauty such as hers, what a waste.

"Greenings Mid-consort Wei, my name is Sisi and I'll be your servant starting from today," she said with a bright smile as she bowed slightly.

So cute.

But I paused slightly as my eyes slowly moved towards her chest. With her bending down in greetings, I could slightly see some of herbbreat cleavages and it wasn't small.

Getting back to my senses, I smiled, "Nice to meet you two Sisi, I hope you treat me well… umm.. I'm hungry, can I get something to eat?"

I asked as she nodded and quickly made her way out to go get me some food.

I have been Starving all day long. How the hell do they expect me to survive with only a bowl of rice and soup.

Even a five year old would want more!!


After the sun went down, Ma'am Han escorted me to the Monarch's Chambers and I have to say that it was truly gigantic.

Almost 300 hundred people could fit in it. It was well deserving for a ruler as such.

Finally we got to the front door as Ma'am Han said to the female Eunuch, "inform her Majesty on our arrival!"


And next we heard the Calm voice of a familiar female, "You may come in," and so we made her way in and the next face I saw was the beautiful face of my target in the world.

Ming Xia su - The female monarch.


"Your Majesty, your Humble servant has brought to you your Newly chosen Mid-consort 'Wei Feng' to salute to you!"

She said as she swept me a gaze and with that, I walked closer and she held my hand as she directed me in bowing.

How hilarious, they dared ask the devil to bow? Tsk tsk!

Meanwhile, The Monarch's gaze was fixed on me and after I was done with my salute she then said, "Are you upset with me?"

"Huh?" I was a little taken aback.

"Well.. I made you a Mid-consort instead of a main, are you upset about that?" Shd questioned explaining more about what she meant and hearing that I tilted my head slightly.

So she knew well that the role given to me wasn't suitable, that would mean this wasn't the role she had in mind.

Someone must have tampered with her decision in the first place.

Forming a smile, I said, "Not at all your majesty, such a concubine like me who has such a ugly face was still able to get showered with love and care from her Majesty.. you had bestowed on me such an amazing Role, I can't seem to be more grateful to you .. your majesty!"

I said as I bowed slightly with fake tears flowing down.

I'm happy to have taken those acting lessons years ago.

After bowing I looked back at the monarch and it was quite obvious that she was pleased with my response.

There were slight traces of red on her cheeks, how cute!

No matter what, girls were still girls. When showered with flowery words, they would easily succumb.

"Well then, you may leave now.. you should go rest and get yourself familiar with things in my Palace, ma'am Han shall pick a duty that would fit you perfectly.. you may go!"

She said as she turned her face around and with that, we both bowed ready to take our leave as just then, she said aloud, "Also Ma'am Han, get some healing pills and hand it over to Mid consort wei to help with his scars!"

Shd instructed as Ma'am Han nodded, "Thank you, your majesty!"

"Mn.. you shouldn't thank me, thank your brother.. he was the one who asked me to help with your scars!"

She said taking me by surprise.


The next day was bright and I woke up quite early and the first person to knock on my door was Sisi with some few other servants who helped me get dressed.

I wore a darker ash robe today with my hair down as only a black hairpin was attached.

My face was still scared but I didn't care much.. it will be gone once I get the healing pills.

Standing up, I made my way to my balcony. It was peaceful and from there I could see the entire palace from above.

I could see different maids and servants all busy running around and attending to their chores and work.

Was the mornings usually this busy?

Just then, I saw a weird looking man dressed in a maids outfit who made his way towards my chamber but he was stopped by Sisi.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about but after they exchanged some words, he handed her a bottle and she brought it inside.

"Master, the healing pill has arrived!" She said, smiling from ear you ear.

How cute!

"Is that so, let me have it?" I said as I took a seat beside my drawer.

"Who was the person who brought it over?" I asked out of curiosity but her next words caught my attention immediately.

"It was a servant of the second Consort Xi," she said.

"Second consort? What does the pill have to do with him?"

"Oh! Master the second Consort is actually in charge of all the drugs, pills and hospitality and even physicians in the palace so all pills come from him!"

She revealed as a slight smirk appeared on my lips, "Well then, in that case you can leave now.. I'll take this from here!"

"Are you sure master? I-i can he-" she insisted.

"No there's no need, I can take care of myself!" I said and with that, she nodded before making her way out.

With her gone, I then called on the one person or thing I trusted in this strange world.

"Harem Master! I think it's finally time for those skills to come in handy."