New Mission: Eliminate Consort Xi 1

The dining chambers were adorned in beautiful pink and white laces Around as a large feast was presented on the long table.

I didn't come late or too early as I met some lower ranked Consorts all seated in their rightful seats and since I was one of the lowest, I just stood waiting to be told to sit.

And after some time, the other Consorts made their way in.

With Consort Wei, my brother in this world and the other ranked Consorts; Consort Rong, Consort Lan, Consort Ming and ah! Our little villain, Consort Xi.

And they looked better dressed than ever to receive the female monarch who came sometime after their arrival.

Ming Xia su wore a blue Hanfu which looked breathtaking on her, making her pink long hair stand out even more.

Her skin was milky in color and her chest was so big that it felt like it was about to pop out.

For a monarch, I have to say that she had a truly outstanding body.

I'll give up anything to spend a night with her haha.


She then walked towards the long dining table, with her servants and Ma'am Han behind her.

Her seat was already prepared before us and after we bowed in greetings, she sat down gracefully.

With a smile plastered on her lips she said, "I'm happy to see everyone here tonight.. I hope we all enjoy this delightful feast!"

She said as she was just about to take hold of the chopsticks when her eyes seemed to linger around the room and finally, she spotted me.

And I felt relieved, it was as though I have been wanting her to search for me for a while without having to cause a bit of drama to arouse her attention.

As she stared at me, her eyes seemed to be locked with mine.. right! I almost forgot, my face was almost completely healed.

This must have been her first time seeing me without such scars, tell me beautiful monarch, who's more prettier, I or my brother?


But she Didn't seem to be the only one who seemed shocked at my presence and my beautiful face.

Turns out the entire room were filled with Consorts whose eyes were fixed on me.

They must've not noticed me before but now they Did all because of the monarch's lingering gaze.

"Oh my goodness, Brother Wei, you never said your brother was this beautiful.. look at him, if I were a woman I would throw myself at him immediately," Consort Rong said as he covered his mouth in shock.

Nodding, Lan agreed to his words for once, "Yes indeed, looks like Mid consort wei would capture the eyes of many with such a face, I wonder if her Highness has already fallen for him now tsk tsk tsk!"

He commented as he fanned himself heavily but wei Chang seemed calm.

It was as though he had predicted such a thing, after all if anyone knew of how beautiful Wei Feng was, then it would be his brother.

And just as expected, Consort Xi was the most shocked of all.

"H-how the hell does that little piece of shit survive.. d-didn't he take the p-poison?" He whispered underneath his breathe and anger and disgust was quite visible.

Although no one heard his words, I could easily understand what he was saying.. After all, it's what's expected of a man who got fooled by the devil.

He must have expected me dead by now but here I was, standing and glowing, my beauty as astounding as ever.

Just then, the toxic air deteriorated as the Monarch's voice was heard, "Mid consort wei, I'm happy to see that your face is all healed up now… just a few more days and it would be gone without a single trace, that's good!"

She said as I smiled and bowed slightly, "Thank you for your beautiful words your majesty but it wouldn't have been possible if not for her Majesty and 2nd Consort Xi for the pill provided, thank you alot your Majesty!"

I said as I saw a slight smile plastered on her face.

Through these days, I've learnt a lot about their traditions and etiquette of manners, it was like flirting but in a more formal way.

"Well.. now that you are all better to take a seat, I can see that your own chair hasn't been made yet.. have a seat beside me then for tonight," the monarch said as I heard slight murmurs arouse from the other Consorts.

Of course they were shocked, to east beside the monarch wasn't something just anyone was allowed to do, especially because only those Consorts which are most loved by her Highness are given such an honor.

It was already a slight way to the Monarch declaring the fact that she has taken a liking to me by placing me beside her.

Without wasting much time, I walked gently toward her and sat down, although a few inches away, I was still close enough to smell her beauty scent.

"We may begin now!" She declared as she then took hold of her chopsticks and started eating and the other Consorts including me joined along.

But after sometime, we all Heard a choking sound coming from a particular consort and it so happen to be 'Consort Xi'

Finally, it was time to beat him in his own game!

[ System loading... New mission: Eliminate Consort Xi ]