Servant Li 1

Consort Xi's next revelation sent shockwaves through the assembly. His voice quivered as he confessed, "I… I can't take the pill, Your Majesty. If I do, I will die because the pill is poisoned!"

The Consorts fell into an eerie silence, the weight of Consort Xi's confession hanging heavy in the air but I just, trying my best to act as shocked as possible in order not to get suspected.

Meanwhile, Gasps and whispers rippled through the crowd as everyone struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

The female monarch, Her Majesty, rose from her throne, her face a mix of astonishment and concern. Her eyes bore into Consort Xi as she demanded, "Explain yourself, Consort Xi. What do you mean by a poisoned pill?"

Hesitating a little, Consort Xi exclaimed, "Your majesty, I can't take the pill because it's Poisoned… b-by Mid consort Wei!"

He blurted and once again, the room became mixed with murmurs and whispers and seeing this, Consort Wei shouted, "Quiet!" And the room fell silent as all eyes were now Fixed on Him and I.

I sighed slightly, I knew he would result in such a trick but I never knew he was this foolish.

He was using the most stupid trick in the book. 'Framing The Victim' how childish tsk tsk.

Stepping forward, he collapsed on the ground as I placed a pitiful face on and muttered to the monarch, "Your majesty, I would never dare to do such a thing.. I don't know why Consort Xi seems to accuse me of such, please have justice for me your majesty!"

"Lies! Please don't believe him your majesty, he has poisoned the pill and wants me to consume it.. please have justice for me your majesty," he pleaded as his tears filled the room.

Wow! I have to say that for a fool such as himself, he was quite good at lying and scheming but no one beats the devil when it comes to lies and schemes.

"Consort Xi, how are you sure I Poisoned the pill when you haven't even consumed it? Isn't that a false accusation laid down on me?"

I questioned as I saw some sweat pop out around his face.

He thinks he's smart but I'm gonna show him that I'm way smarter.

Just then, we all Heard Consort Lan blurt out, "Yes Consort Xi, How are you sure it's Poisoned when you haven't even taken a pill?"

"Mn.. and look, Mid consort Wei had consumed the pill and he is unharmed, so why do you think it's Poisoned?" They both inquired as Consort Xi stammered slightly.

"You heard them Consort Xi, answer the question!" The Monarch demanded slightly angry.

Today was supposed to be a nice day for her to have a nice dinner with her consorts but instead such a thing had occured completely ruining the mood and the atmosphere.

Finally, after some time, Consort Xi declared, "Well.. how I know of this is because on my way here, I had come across Mid consort Wei placing some things into the pill but I paid no attention to him because I Had other important things to do.

"But from upon seeing the situation at hand now, I knew that all these must have been a part of his plan."

He explained as the Monarch then shifted her gaze towards Me, sigh.. I should have predicted this.

Now faced with the accusation of poisoning the pill, I Heard the Monarch say, "Mid Consort Wei, did you really poison the pill?"

The Monarch asked, her voice loud and frightening. It was just like the first time we met, when she questioned Mo An and Jin Ling.

But I stood my ground, there's no way I would let that scumbag win against me so easily.

"Now your majesty, I am innocent.. please believe me," i cried out slightly.

"Then do you dare accuse me of lying? Such an arrogant lad," Consort Xi barked at me as he folded his hands slightly.

Sighing, the Monarch was quiet for sometime until she finally commanded, "Ma'am Han, get the pill immediately and give it to Consort Wei!"


Give it to me? Why?

"Your Majesty… "

"What? Didn't you claim to be innocent? If so then you must have no problem in consuming the pill and proving your innocence right? Unless.. if you are truly guilty of poison!"

She declared as I sighed internally. Now I was placed in such a horrible predicament as I was cornered from both sides.

I possibly can't refuse to do as she wanted unless it would be me literally claiming that the pill is poisoned and I had something to do with it.

But to my surprise, I Heard Consort Wei mutter, "But your majesty, if the pill truly is poisoned then won't that mean they Mid consort wei may lose his life?"

"Then so be it," she declared, "If it truly is Poisoned and he does end up dead that would mean that he really did try to poison his superior and so death is the best punishment for him." The Monarch said as she seemed unwilling to bend her decision.

"What are you waiting for? Give him the pill!" She commanded once more and ma'am Han immediately did as instructed.

She took the pill out and placed it on a white plate right in front of me.

"Now Mid consort wei, take the pill and prove your innocence to us," the Monarch started as her brown eyes were fixed on me.

Just then, I heard the system beeping sound as harem Master appeared before me.

[ Warning! warning! User 105! About to consume poison! High chance of death — user can use his life spam to save him but it may only be used once and never again ]

The system declared as I just smirked slightly, "Don't worry Harem Master, the devil always comes prepared," I muttered as just then, the door dashed open.

And a rather familiar figure entered and upon seeing him, Consort Xi's face turned completely white in shock as that victorious look on his face vanished almost immediately.

"S-servant Li?"