
Kim Yo-han is still under suspicion. Kim Yo-han wanted to join Min Ari in capturing some demons but Li Jinghyun protested that he should not do anything suspicious.

Kim Yo-han didn't want any trouble. So he just shrugs off his shoulders and holes up in his camp. Sometimes he would watch the test.

He also didn't bother explaining to Li Jinghyun about Min Ari. Why would he lower himself?

Li Jinghyun's hatred reached new heights every time Min Ari got chummy with Kim Yo-han.

As for Min Ari's affectionate actions. Kim Yo-han did not care about it. He treated her as a friend, trying to be oblivious to her advances.

When Min Ari is not in the camp. Some of the girls will take this opportunity to get closer to him. Kim Yo-han became the enemy of the men in the group.

Kim Yo-han was helpless. He could not tell them the truth. That would be the most stupid thing to do.

Time passed. Min Ari and her team came back with a captured demon yet again.

The reason why they need to kill the demon every hour. That's because these demons will call for reinforcement. It could be a horde of demons, it would be a blunder if that happened.

"Who are you people!" Li Jinghyun's voice resounded around the camp.

At the entrance of the camp, Black-coated people were conversing with Li Jinghyun. Kim Yo-han turns his head at them. But Kim Yo-han's face darkened.

'I did not do anything to you. But you crossed the line this time.'

"Oi Kim Yo-han, someone is here for you!" Li Jinghyun shouted Kim Yo-han's name.

Kim Yo-han did not say anything as he approached the group. Min Ari watches his movements.

"Who are you?" Kim Yo-han asked.

"What's with you, Kim Yo-han nim, don't you remember us?"

"I don't know anyone who covers their faces."

"Kim Yo-han are they your friends?" Li Jinghyun asked but this guy couldn't hide his nasty grin.

"Come on Kim Yo-han-nim we are closer than that, we are comrades!" The Black-cloaked leader raised his voice. But Kim Yo-han saw their thoughts.

The Ares guild hunters listened to their conversation. They thought these people were Kim Yo-han's acquaintances or something.

"Kim Yo-han if they are your comrades why don't you go with them? They told me they tried to search for you. Isn't it great you can get out now?" Li Jinghyun also intentionally raised his voice.

"Yes, Comrade Kim we were so worried about you. You have been missing for many days now. Let's go." Another black-cloaked person said.

Kim Yo-han knew their intention. Li Jinghyun contacted these people to get rid of him. They pretended to know him.

But Kim Yo-han is still calm. No matter how they scheme against him, it's no use.

"I see this is how you work huh?... Let me say my goodbye to Ari." Kim Yo-han walks towards Min Ari.

"Ari, I will go now. It seems they are here to fetch me."

"Oh, Is that so?" Min Ari sounds dejected.

"Yes, thank you for taking care of me. Maybe we will see each other again."

"...Can we meet outside the dungeon? I want to talk with you more?" Min Ari clenched her fist. She did not want to part ways with him. She already decided to make him hers.

"... I will." Kim Yo-han smiled but in truth, he didn't want to he and Min Ari became close friends these past few days. Her intention might be a little bit complicated, but Kim Yo-han wanted a friend that has genuine feelings for him.

"Great!" Min Ari's dejected expression lit up.

"See you next time Ari." Kim Yo-han left with those words. He glances at Kim Hana. Despite having the same surnames, they don't have the same blood.

Kim Hana bowed to him. Yesterday, Kim Yo-han approached her. He told her, he wanted to train her. Kim Hana was skeptical, but when Kim Yo-han told her the real reason. Kim Hana was angered... But Kim Yo-han told her that he wanted to help her. He left his contact information if she ever wanted his help.

"I will come to you, okay?" Min Ari waved her hand.

Kim Yo-han left with the black-cloaked people. Li Jinghyun approaches Min Ari.

"Ari, how about we chat together?" Li Jinghyun shamelessly asked Min Ari.

Min Ari's expression shifted coldly.

"Li Jinghyun you don't have the right to call me my name intimately. We don't know each other. Please call me formally." Placing her hand on her hips. She said stoically.

"Min Ari! What's with that weakling and you? He is so weak, I could kill him with a stroke! Aren't I better than him?" Li Jinghyun snapped. He let out the pent-up hatred he had these past few days.

"It's not your business who I like, isn't it? Who are you to dictate my life? Do you want to why? It was love at first sight, dumbass!" Min Ari's eyes squinted as she felt anger when this idiot threatened to kill the man she admired.

"Min Ari don't be so childish! Do you think me for a fool!" Li Jinghyun was getting agitated.

"Fuck! Li Jinghyun! Get the fuck off my face right now!" Min Ari angrily said with a darkened expression. She was furious.

"...Fuck!" Li Jinghyun who saw her face cursed as he walked off.

Those A-rank hunters on the side who were listening did not utter a word. They don't want to involve themselves.


With Kim Yo-han. When the black-cloaked people guide him far away from the Ares group.

"Isn't this far enough?" Kim Yo-han stopped walking.

"Hmm, it seems you are not as foolish as we expected. Well, there is no use in complimenting a dead person!" The Black-cloaked leader chuckled. He took out a dagger on his waist and pointed at Kim Yo-han.

All the other Black-cloaked people around Kim Yo-han took out their weapons. Kim Yo-han found out that these people are all A-rank.

Kim Yo-han crossed his arms. He did not take his sword out.

"Kill him!" The black-cloaked leader ordered.

"Hahaha, Leader he is scared shitless!"

"Look he already accepted his fate!"

"Die bitch!"

"This is what will happen if you steal a woman from Boss Li Jinghyun!" The black-cloaked Leader cackled a laugh. Slashing his dagger to Kim Yo-han.

"Hmph! That's how you'll en-"


"Gurgg Huh?" The Black-cloaked leader touched his neck. He looks at his hand. "Blood?"

The black-cloaked leader fell on the cold hard ground.

The other cloak people did not know what happened. They became silent.

"Leader is dead?"

"Hoy hoy hoy, don't joke around leader."

"Isn't that guy an A-rank? He did not even take his sword out. Did Boss Li give us the wrong information?"

A black cloak person approached the leader.

"The leader is dead! Fuck, what should we do?"


"Idiot! If we run, Boss Li will kill us. Kill that man! He is only one person, we have numbers!"

All the black cloak people sprinted towards Kim Yo-han. Kim Yo-han just glances at them without saying anything.

With a snort. All the black cloak people became red mist.

He opens his terminal and looks at the recording with a smile. He paused the recording and saved it.

But when his godly senses picked up something in the Ares camp. Kim Yo-han frowned.


At Ares Camp.

"Who are you people? Why are you attacking us?" An A-rank hunter from Ares Guild defended the incoming sword strike from a black cloak person.

"Are these people, Kim Yo-han's comrades?" Another hunter from Ares's side inquired whilst also defending the incoming attacks.

"..." The black cloak people did not say anything.

Li Jinghyun frowned, these are not the people he hired. But he scoffed as he brought down an assailant in one strike. He isn't a S-rank for nothing. No matter who is this person, Li Jinghyun will not let this good opportunity pass by.

"We shouldn't have trusted that Kim Yo-han. I bet he is a spy sent by these people. Min Ari, the man you took a liking to is a traitor! What do you think?" Li Jinghyun's grin was clear as day.

Min Ari was silent. She didn't know what to say. She hopes Kim Yo-han is not behind this.

Li Jinghyun was irked when Min Ari did not reply to his provocations. But he did not stop smearing Kim Yo-han's name.

"That bastard is using his face to let your guard down. The truth is, he was just using you! Face the truth, Min Ari, all men are the same. If I didn't keep him in check, that bastard would have already crawled into your pants." Li Jinghyun tried to portray himself as a good guy.

'Aren't you the same?' Min Ari thought. But if she thinks about it. What will happen if Kim Yo-han did make a move? Would she allow him? 'Probably, I would gladly accept him.'

"Kim Yo-han?" Someone exclaimed.