Just A Maid

His eyes would always catch hers as they walked in opposite directions of the halls.

It had started slowly, with him bringing his walking speed down to a crawl as he passed her by.

It progressed very slowly, with her averting her eyes, head, and eventually, entire body as she'd run past him.

Her first day as a maid of the Imperial Palace was his first day as a prince.

It was the tradition of the Kairos Empire for nobles, and especially royals, to make their first debut into society at age 9. A banquet celebration must be held for at least one day, but it could be extended to up to 2 weeks. Before this event the child was not allowed to be seen by other nobility outside of family. The most important aspect of the First Debut was that it should end on the child's 10th birthday.

In the Kairos Empire there was a great significance to the number 10. For reasons that have now been lost to war, to undocumented oral tradition, to time itself.... There are many different stories about why the number is so sacred. However, many people don't believe in those stories anymore. The reason the tradition has remained is because those predator-like nobles want to see the potential of the new generation.

The child themself would have to host the banquet. In the same way that any adult would, they must balance the relationship between duchy and port, and even between kingdoms if their family connections went so far.

The child would arrange the festivities, handwrite the invitations, and depending on status they would even have to personally greet the guests.

Adults would watch like hawks, carefully observing how they handle things. Part of the tradition was also that the adults would coordinate with the parents of the child, agreeing to cause scenes and disruptions that would commonly occur at a banquet. The child's performance would be an indication of how they would be able to handle future events and the subtle snakes of nobility will see who they need to be wary of.

This was a reason why longer First Debut banquets would bring great honour to a family. Not only did it show that you had enough wealth to spend frivolously on celebrating for days on end. If your child did well the entire time then their potential would be great! Sometimes, amongst nobility, it was more important to be charismatic than anything else.

Today was to be the first day of the Kairos Empire's 3rd Prince's First Debut.

A momentous occasion that brought nobles from all over the world to the palace, not wanting to miss their chance to become closer to The Empire through it's son.

The Empire would never be lenient on it's children. The boy would have to host for 2 weeks straight until his 10th birthday.

His eyes were full of determination, the royal blue seeming a shade deeper and richer. His expression far to serious and stiff for such a young child. He held himself with the perfect posture of royalty, his head held high in a way that would've allowed him to look down on everyone below him if he wasn't a child with a height of a mere 4'5 (135 cm)....

He wore beautifully intricate layers of fabric. All shades of blue, both dark and light, that complimented his eyes along with the occasional accent of white and silver. A dark blue, almost black shirt with bishop sleeves, entirely embroidered with a somehow glittery light blue thread. On top of that was a half white half cobalt vest, held together by delicate silver chains attached to blue sapphire buttons. On his right shoulder a metal epaulet connected to a half sized lacy shoulder cape that went down to his knee swayed every time he moved. His pants were light weight and composed of flowing pleats, to the point they would look like a skirt from certain angles. Underneath peeked his shoes which were made with a low heel and supporting sole that would allow him to stay on his feet for longer periods of time without as much pain.

Apart from the simple pure white silk ribbon which tied his strikingly long and wavy black hair up into a high ponytail that still managed to reach his lower back- His accessories were the finest sapphires money could buy. A delicate but very large teardrop shaped gem adorned both his ears. A silver brooch held onto his vest, sapphires and diamonds used to create the appearance of a crashing wave. His cufflinks were perfect blue sapphires as well.

Everything was tailored to his body, fitting perfectly and keeping to the current trends of The Empire.

It was midday and the spring weather brought a cool breeze, two weeks before his birthday mid May. Despite the breeze the boy felt that he was about to sweat through the fabric. He wandered up and down every hall aside from the main one he would have to enter this evening to signify the start of the grand event. His dignified expression was a facade he forced himself to keep on but his shaky breaths gave away his nervousness.

He had purposely wandered in the opposite direction from the main hall, away from the bustling servants and early arriving guests. There was no one in this section of the palace.... Well, there shouldn't be.... So what were those two silver eyes doing staring at him in a panic?

The girl was so beautiful that at first he'd thought she was a very lost noble. Bright round silver eyes that almost seemed to glow even when the sun wasn't on them. An uneven blush that spread across her cheeks but seemed to avoid her nose. Pin straight red hair that messily slipped out from the black head scarf she had tied it with, the shoulder length cut somehow felt powerful in this era where long hair was considered to be more appealing. Her bangs almost touched her upper lashes and the boy thought to himself, 'So long...I wonder what her lashes feel like'.... He was stunned into place before he came to the abrupt realization that she couldn't be a noble.

The cut of her hair was too stiff and choppy.

'What a shame they didn't cut it properly...' He felt annoyed on her behalf.

Her hands were far too rough, full of callouses already despite her clearly young age.

'Why would they make her work so hard...' He felt distressed for her.

Her dress was far too simple, a plain brown dirty fabric that was more like a sack than a dress.

'She should wear something better than that...something that matches her beauty...' He felt frustrated even though he had only seen her for the first time a few seconds ago.

....The girl stared at him, frozen in place like a small animal facing a predator.

'Why...why is the prince looking at me?! Why isn't he saying anything!!'

She was internally panicking. She had finally convinced the head maid to allow her to work inside the main castle of the palace grounds. All she wanted from life was simply to receive a higher pay and eventually redeem herself, living a free life without working or worrying about her daily necessities.

The girl was born to a new servant who did not have a husband. The servant woman died in childbirth and of course her father would never claim her as his child. She was essentially orphaned at birth yet she was quite lucky. The head maid chose to adopt her. She was trained in the ways of the servants of The Empire before she could even speak. In fact, her first word was Keiros, much to the delight of the old head maid who truly loved The Empire with all her heart.

The woman named her Faustina Chronos, a sincere wish that she would serve The Empire well with a name that mimicked the meaning of the Kairos Empire.

Faustina begged her mother to allow her to work officially.

In the Imperial Palace, even the servants had value. They were considered to be of higher status than regular commoners and often had their own special bloodlines. It was a great honour to serve royalty directly and the royals would much rather have a servant who was raised with respect and obedience to The Empire literally and figuratively in their blood.

....Despite the head maid being the head maid and having many opportunities opened for her, she chose not to marry. There was no one in her bloodline at all as she had no blood family and her time for giving birth had passed. She was now 48 and respected greatly by the servants and nobles and even royals of the Empire but this respect did not fall to her adopted daughter. Behind the woman's back they called the girl all kinds of names. Even the servants of the Empire have their pride, why would they allow this wedlock, death bringing, bastard child to openly serve where they do?

The head maid placed her reputation on the line to allow the innocent girl to work in the palace. Unfortunately the girl's first day of work coincided with one of the biggest events of the Empire. Faustina entered the main halls and was immediately overwhelmed by the chaotic noises, bustling servants, and the arriving nobles she had never seen before. Her stress of wanting to do well manifested as she turned tail and ran away from it all without anyone noticing. She ran and ran and kept running until her feet hurt and she was out of breath. She stopped at a place far from the main hall where she knew no one would be at this time.

....but just as she was catching her breath she heard the sound of footsteps. She turned to see who it was and the panic set in once more. The prince just looked at her!! Without saying anything or moving, he stared and his expression kept changing! At first it was annoyance? Then distress? Then frustration?? Was it because of her?! It had to be! There was no one else here!

The girl started to tremble as she feared what her mother would think after the prince reprimanded her. How would this affect her mother's credibility? How would she react to her daughter disappointing the Empire she loves so dearly?

Faustina's eyes filed with tears that were just about to fall as she heard a slightly nervous and immature voice speak to her,

"What is your name?"

"I.... I am just a maid your highness...."