Return to School

After a brief walk, Julius noticed the crowded hallway leading to the classroom. He and Morgane were among the last to arrive, with most of their classmates already gathered, eagerly awaiting the teacher's arrival.

The loud chatter and laughter of the students resonated in Adam's ears, reminding him of his own school days. They seemed so far away that remembering them felt difficult.

'I can't believe I'm returning to school after so long.' He sighed inwardly. The details eluded him, but he never really liked school. He felt as if he was wasting valuable time each day.

However, that was the sentiment he had for Earth's school. Here, he would learn many things deemed impossible back in his world. It was so exciting.

As Adam lost himself in thoughts about the exciting new discoveries, Julius swiftly headed towards his waiting friends.

"Morning, guys!" He greeted them, finding comfort in their presence after his terrible experience last night.